Fast sincos routine


Robert Futrell

Allan Bruce said:
but sqrt of a positive number can be positive or negative

e.g. sqrt(4) = +/- 2

This is false. The square root of a positive number is always

You are thinking of the example they teach you in school:

sqrt((x^2)) = +/- x

This doesn't mean that there are two answers, one positive and one
negative; it's poor notation meaning that the answer is always
positive, even if x is negative.

For example, if x = -2,

sqrt((-2)^2) = 2 (not +/-2)

Thus, the "solution" in this case is "-x".

If you don't believe me, pick up any algebra schoolbook or graphing
calculator and find the graph for f(x) = sqrt(x). The graph clearly
passes the "vertical line test" and is therefore a function (although
I hope you already knew that); and we all SHOULD know that functions
have a UNIQUE y-value for every x.


Robert said:
This is false. The square root of a positive number is always

You are just the man I want to see. I have all these marvellous
proofs, about 1 == 0, and things like that. You will be able to
immediately see that they are accurate and incontrovertible.

Mark McIntyre

This is false. The square root of a positive number is always

eh? A square has two roots, one positive and one negative.
This doesn't mean that there are two answers, one positive and one

Well, yes it does.
and we all SHOULD know that functions have a UNIQUE y-value for every x.


Dik T. Winter

> On 5 Mar 2004 10:43:49 -0800, in comp.lang.c , (e-mail address removed) (Robert

> eh? A square has two roots, one positive and one negative.

Let us put this in perspective. In mathematics, the function "sqrt",
when presented with a positive number gives a positive result.
Otherwise it would not be a function. (In mathematics a function
is something that gives a single result when it is given an argument.
You have to go to Riemann surfaces to have a complete function sqrt.)

The *equation* x^2 = 2 has two roots, one of them is sqrt(2) and the
other is -sqrt(2).

I know about the proofs CBFalconer alludes to. When using the sqrt
function they assume that with complex argument and complex result
sqrt(a * b) = sqrt(a) * sqrt(b),
this equation is false.

Nick Landsberg

Dik said:
I know about the proofs CBFalconer alludes to. When using the sqrt
function they assume that with complex argument and complex result
sqrt(a * b) = sqrt(a) * sqrt(b),
this equation is false.


using pure mathematics ...

If we sqaure both sides of the equation we get

sqrt(a*b) ^ 2 = sqrt(a) ^ 2 * sqrt(b) ^ 2

since sqrt(x)^2 = x for all x
(by definition)

we get a * b = a * b

What am I missing?

As far as I know, the above is true
even for complex numbers, i.e. sqrt(-1).

Please explain.

Robert Futrell

CBFalconer said:
You are just the man I want to see. I have all these marvellous
proofs, about 1 == 0, and things like that. You will be able to
immediately see that they are accurate and incontrovertible.

Thanks for the witty reply, but I was taking the notation "sqrt(x)" to
mean you wanted to compute the answer equivalent to math's


function. Here's a source from a professor to back me up on this,
since I know you won't believe me:

In short, positive numbers DO have two roots, but when you write


in math, that literally means "the nonnegative root". That is why the
graph of y=sqrt(x) does NOT have any negative y-values, and why the
square root function IS A FUNCTION. I hope you are not conjecturing
that square root is not a function...

I apologize, my previous post should have been more clear.

And here is a proof for you; see if you can spot an error in it:

\/(x^2) = +/- x (both) for x>0. Then

\/(x^2) = -x. Since

\/(x^2) <=> x^(2/2), we have

x^(2/2) = -x

=> x^1 = -x

=> x = -x

which is a contradiction. Thus, it is not true that

\/(x^2) = +/- x (both) for x>0.

Robert Futrell

Clark Cox said:
You are simply wrong, read any math textbook.

I think we're talking about two different things here; I was taking
the notation "sqrt(x)" to mean you wanted to compute the answer
equivalent to math's


function. Here's a source from a professor to back me up on this,
since I know you won't believe me:

In short, positive numbers DO have two roots, but when you write


in math, that literally means "the nonnegative root". That is why the
graph of y=sqrt(x) does NOT have any negative y-values, and why the
square root function IS A FUNCTION. Do you know what a square root
graph looks like? I hope you are not conjecturing that square root is
not a function...

I apologize, my previous post should have been more clear.

And here is a proof for you; see if you can spot an error in it:

\/(x^2) = +/- x (both) for x>0. Then

\/(x^2) = -x. Since

\/(x^2) <=> x^(2/2), we have

x^(2/2) = -x

=> x^1 = -x

=> x = -x

which is a contradiction. Thus, it is not true that

\/(x^2) = +/- x (both) for x>0.

Robert Futrell

Mark McIntyre said:
eh? A square has two roots, one positive and one negative.

Well, yes it does.


Not garbage; I was using very strict math here and you (and indeed,
most everybody else) wasn't. I was taking the notation "sqrt(x)" to
mean you wanted to compute the answer equivalent to math's


function. Here's a source from a professor to back me up on this,
since I know you won't believe me:

In short, positive numbers DO have two roots, but when you write


in math, that literally means "the nonnegative root". That is why the
graph of y=sqrt(x) does NOT have any negative y-values, and why the
square root function IS A FUNCTION. I assume you know what a square
root graph looks like. I hope you are not conjecturing that square
root is not a function...

I apologize, my previous post should have been more clear.

And here is a proof for you; see if you can spot an error in it:

\/(x^2) = +/- x (both) for x>0. Then

\/(x^2) = -x. Since

\/(x^2) <=> x^(2/2), we have

x^(2/2) = -x

=> x^1 = -x

=> x = -x

which is a contradiction. Thus, it is not true that

\/(x^2) = +/- x (both) for x>0.

Robert Futrell

CBFalconer said:
You are just the man I want to see. I have all these marvellous
proofs, about 1 == 0, and things like that. You will be able to
immediately see that they are accurate and incontrovertible.

I am curious to see the fallacious proof of 1==0 you have, as long as
the logical fallacy involves the sqrt discussion at hand.

Another thing: If "sqrt" in mathematics doesn't imply a positive-only
root, then why does the quadratic forumula contain "+/-" before the
square-root term? If sqrt really had two solutions in pure math like
you say, wouldn't the "+/-" in front be redundant?

Doesn't prove anything I know, but something for you to ponder.

Martin Dickopp

Nick Landsberg said:

using pure mathematics ...

If we sqaure both sides of the equation we get

sqrt(a*b) ^ 2 = sqrt(a) ^ 2 * sqrt(b) ^ 2

since sqrt(x)^2 = x for all x
(by definition)

we get a * b = a * b

What am I missing?

It's always possible to derive a true statement from a false statement.
For example, take the false statement 1 = -1, square both side, and you
arrive at the true statement 1 = 1.



Martin said:
It's always possible to derive a true statement
from a false statement.
For example, take the false statement 1 = -1, square both side,
and you arrive at the true statement 1 = 1.

Squaring equations, typically adds roots to the solution set:
x == 1 /* 1 */
x * x == 1 /* 1, -1 */

The last time I saw somebody try something like that,
they were trying to win drinks in a bar.
It's sophistry, not algebra.


Robert said:
Not garbage; I was using very strict math here and you (and indeed,
most everybody else) wasn't. I was taking the notation "sqrt(x)" to
mean you wanted to compute the answer equivalent to math's


function. Here's a source from a professor to back me up on this,
since I know you won't believe me:

In short, positive numbers DO have two roots, but when you write

When I learned math in school
it was called the "principle square root"."principle+square+root"

Martin Dickopp

pete said:
Squaring equations, typically adds roots to the solution set:
x == 1 /* 1 */
x * x == 1 /* 1, -1 */

Unlike 1 == -1 or 1 == 1, x == 1 or x*x == 1 are not statements that
are true or false. So, while you're right, this doesn't invalidate my


Robert Futrell

Nick Landsberg said:

using pure mathematics ...

If we sqaure both sides of the equation we get

sqrt(a*b) ^ 2 = sqrt(a) ^ 2 * sqrt(b) ^ 2

since sqrt(x)^2 = x for all x
(by definition)

we get a * b = a * b

What am I missing?

As far as I know, the above is true
even for complex numbers, i.e. sqrt(-1).

Please explain.

The product rule sqrt(ab) = sqrt(a) * sqrt(b) holds in the reals but
not in the complex plane.

Dik T. Winter

Want to see an example? Set a = b = -1:
1 = sqrt(1) = sqrt(a * b) != sqrt(a) * sqrt(b) = sqrt(-1) * sqrt(-1) =
= i * i = -1.
In mathematics the sqrt function is *not* multiplicative. It is so only
when you restrict yourself to positive real arguments. Similar:
ln(a * b) = ln(a) + ln(b)
only if you restrict yourself to postive real arguments.

Nick Landsberg

Dik said:
Want to see an example? Set a = b = -1:
1 = sqrt(1) = sqrt(a * b) != sqrt(a) * sqrt(b) = sqrt(-1) * sqrt(-1) =
= i * i = -1.
In mathematics the sqrt function is *not* multiplicative. It is so only
when you restrict yourself to positive real arguments. Similar:
ln(a * b) = ln(a) + ln(b)
only if you restrict yourself to postive real arguments.

Thank you!

I guess I'll have to get out the 40 year old math books
and bone up on the idiosyncracies.

Nick L.

- At this age, memory is the second thing to go,
and I forgot what the first is.

Paul Hsieh

Actually Robert Futrell is technically correct in his original explanation, but
his statements do not clarify the real issue.

(e-mail address removed) says...
eh? A square has two roots, one positive and one negative.

There can be up to two roots of a square depending on your number system basis.
But the number 0 only has one root which is neither positive or negative. This
is different from the classically described "square root function".
Well, yes it does.


Actually that technically *is* definition of a function. A function can only
have a single range value for any given domain value. And that's the point.
As soon as you call it "the square root *FUNCTION*" then you are talking about
the classic square root function which takes non-negative real numbers and maps
them to other non-negative real numbers.

Robert Futrell original post made true statements, but lacked sufficient

- Saying that the square root function takes postiive numbers to other positive
numbers is true, however he *IS* leaving out 0 for some reason.
- The square root function is also always incident with at least one of the
square roots of the numbers its defined in its domain. (He left this out.)
- The square root function is continuous.

The +/- notation is used when, for whatever reason, you need to describe both
roots when a number has two square roots. (Though it works redundantly for 0.)

Why this is all in comp.lang.c is beyond me, however I would like to point out
the following:

if (a < 0) a = -a;

does *NOT* necessarily force the integer variable a to be non-negative (see if
you can figure out how/why). So following it up with:

b = sqrt(a);

will lead to undefined behavior. See:

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