No offence taken
I should have been more clear.
I'm not totally sure what the choice tree stuff is in this context
actually -- could you elaborate?
The best example I can think of is for proving lower bounds on sorting
algorithms. Let's take an array of N elements. For arbitrary elements,
we know that any permutation of the input is possibly the correct
output. If we model our program as being able to "choose" a subset of
the remaining possibles at every step, then we end up with our program
being modeled by a binary tree, with time going from the root to the
leaves, and each leaf representing a single possible output
permutation. The middle nodes represent subsets of size bigger than 1,
but less than the whole. Each step of the algorithm removes some of
the possible answers from the answer space until only the correct
answer remains.
It's been a while, so I'm slightly fuzzy on the exact formalism, so I
know I'm explaining it badly. I /think/ that you can say, for unknown
input, you can calculate the size of the answer space, (size X), and
for "standard instruction sets", each "step" can only take one branch
in the binary decision tree, so the minimum number of steps depends on
the height of a balanced binary tree with X leafs.
I'm not sure it exactly applied to the reasoning I attempted to use. I
think I used something analogous. I know that the algorithm must at
least read every single input cell, each read takes O(1) cycle, and
there are O(N^2) cycles, so the algorithm running time in cycles must
be at least O(N^2).
For what it's worth, btw, I think you mean Omega(n^2) and not O(n^2) --
since as you (correctly) state it's a lower bound:
But that's nitpicking on my part (and I'm far from being an expert on
complexity analysis, so I should perhaps refrain from it!).
I was being somewhat informal, and I'm not really quite sure myself. I
know what it means for a function to be Big O and Big Theta, but I'm
not sure of the exact standard commonly used. Let me take a stab at
something a little more formal:
For an instruction set in which you can read at most a fixed finite
number of matrix cells per "cycle", any correct matrix multiplication
implementation for two N by N matrices must have its running time
describable as a function f : input size -> number of cycles, where f
is little-o (N^2).
Apparently there are asymptotically better algorithms that have been
discovered, e.g.–Winograd_algorithm
However, this one (at least) isn't used in practice, because you have to
have really large matrices to make it worthwhile, and current hardware
can't handle matrices of the size required.
Mmm. I was unaware. I was just going off what I read off the matrix
multiply wiki page, and we all know how reliable that is.