Agent Mulder said:
Algorithm-1 : See above
[1] 17.47 real, 17.16 user, 0.19 sys
[2] 17.44 real, 17.24 user, 0.15 sys
[3] 17.46 real, 17.19 user, 0.18 sys
[4] 17.36 real, 17.15 user, 0.13 sys
[5] 17.52 real, 17.22 user, 0.15 sys
Algorithm-2 :
[1] 9.26 real, 9.00 user, 0.19 sys
[2] 9.31 real, 9.06 user, 0.21 sys
[3] 9.38 real, 9.07 user, 0.24 sys
[4] 9.35 real, 9.06 user, 0.21 sys
[5] 9.33 real, 9.00 user, 0.27 sys
Those are promissing results. Thank you, Alex!
Thank you, Agent!
Here is a functor-based Fibonacci generator. It is quicker than ever.
The bottleneck is in the output to the screen, that slows down the
program considerably.
I think, one should measure getting only n-th Fibonacci number (not all Fibonacci number 1 until n)
I guess this program can run 4 times faster than
it does now. If you want to impress us, fiddle with ios_base. Dietmar?
// ###########################################
// Computing very long Fibonacci numbers : BEGIN
// Algorithm-1b
// ###########################################
static ostream_iterator<int>out(cout);
static char base=10;
static char carry=0;
struct CarryChar
char&operator()(const char&a,const char&b)
char c=a+b+carry;
return c;
struct LongInt
CarryChar carrychar;
LongInt(char a){do v.push_back(a%base);while((a/=base)!=0);}
ostream&operator<<(ostream&a,const LongInt&b)
return a;
int main()
LongInt a(0);
LongInt b(1);
for(int c=0;c<5000;c++)cout<<a(b)<<'\n';
return 0;
To get only n-th number I changed main() as following :
------ main ------
int main(int argc, char** argv)
assert (argc == 2);
LongInt a(0);
LongInt b(1);
const int number (atoi(argv[1]) - 1);
for (int c = 0 ; c < number; c++) a(b);
cout << a(b) << "\n";
return 0;
I also changed
char& operator()(const char&a,const char&b)
char operator()(const char&a,const char&b)
because of compilation warning : " warning: reference to local variable `c' returned" (GNU g++ 3.3.1)
Program above (with changes) is called Algorithm-1b
// ###########################################
// Computing very long Fibonacci numbers : END
// Algorithm-1b
// ###########################################
Here is Algorithm-2b.
// ###########################################
// Computing very long Fibonacci numbers : BEGIN
// Algorithm-2b
// ###########################################
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define MAX_VALUE(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define ASSERT(x)
// #define ASSERT(x) assert(x)
#define BASE 10
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
// ==============
class BigInt
// ==============
friend class Aux;
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& o, const BigInt& ins_i);
private :
static ulong base_s;
vector<ulong> units_;
static void Set_Full_Base ();
const BigInt operator+ (const BigInt& rhs_i) const;
public :
BigInt () {}
BigInt (ulong unit_i)
if (base_s == 1) Set_Full_Base ();
ASSERT (unit_i < base_s);
units_.push_back (unit_i);
BigInt (const BigInt& lhs_i, const BigInt& rhs_i)
(*this) = lhs_i + rhs_i;
~BigInt () {}
// --------------
class Aux
private :
ulong& head;
public :
ulong operator() (ulong n1, ulong n2)
ulong value = n1 + n2 + head;
head = value/BigInt::base_s;
return (value%BigInt::base_s);
Aux (ulong& head_io) : head (head_io) {}
// --------------
inline const BigInt BigInt:
perator+ (const BigInt& rhs_i) const
BigInt ret;
const ulong max_size = MAX_VALUE (units_.size (), rhs_i.units_.size ());
vector<ulong> u1 (units_);
vector<ulong> u2 (rhs_i.units_);
ulong head = 0;
transform (u1.begin(), u1.end(), u2.begin(), ret.units_.begin(), Aux (head));
if (head) ret.units_.push_back (head);
return ret;
// --------------
inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const BigInt& ins_i)
ASSERT (!ins_i.units_.empty ());
for (ulong i = (ins_i.units_.size () - 1); i > 0; i--)
os << ins_i.units_
<< setw (BASE - 1) << setfill ('0');
return os << ins_i.units_ [0];
// --------------
void BigInt::Set_Full_Base ()
ASSERT (base_s == 1);
// ------------------
for (ulong i = 1; i <= (BASE - 1); i++)
base_s *= BASE;
ASSERT (!(base_s >= MAX_UNIT_VALUE) || (base_s == 0));
ASSERT (BASE * ((base_s/BASE) + 1) < MAX_UNIT_VALUE);
ASSERT (base_s != 0);
// =====================
class Fibonacci
// =====================
private :
vector<BigInt> fibs_;
BigInt get_number (uint n_i = 0);
public :
void show_all () const;
void show_number () const;
Fibonacci (uint n_i = 0) { get_number (n_i); }
~Fibonacci () {}
// -----------------------
BigInt Fibonacci::get_number (uint n_i)
const uint cur_size = fibs_.size ();
for (uint i = cur_size; i <= n_i; i++)
switch (i)
case 0 :
fibs_.push_back (BigInt(0));
case 1 :
if (fibs_.empty ()) fibs_.push_back (BigInt (0));
fibs_.push_back(BigInt (1));
default :
fibs_.push_back (BigInt (get_number (i - 2), get_number (i - 1)));
ASSERT (n_i < fibs_.size());
return fibs_ [n_i];
// -----------------------
void Fibonacci::show_all () const
ostringstream oss;
for (uint i = 0; i < fibs_.size (); i++)
oss << "Fib [" << i << "] = " << fibs_ << "\n";
cout << oss.str();
// -----------------------
void Fibonacci::show_number () const
ostringstream oss;
oss << "Fib [" << (fibs_.size() - 1) << "] = " << fibs_.back() << "\n";
cout << oss.str();
// -------------------
ulong BigInt::base_s (1);
// ==============================
#define ALL_FIBS "all"
#define ONE_FIB "th"
int main (int argc, char **argv)
string option;
if ((argc <= 2) || !(((option = argv[2]) == ALL_FIBS) || (option == ONE_FIB)))
cerr << "\tUSAGE : " << argv[0] << " " << "<N - number> " << ALL_FIBS << "|" << ONE_FIB << endl;
if (argc < 2) return 1;
cerr << "\t " << "-----------------------" << endl;
cerr << "\t " << setw(3) << std::left << ALL_FIBS << " - Fibonacci [0 - N]" << endl;
cerr << "\t " << setw(3) << std::left << ONE_FIB << " - Fibonacci [N]" << endl;
cerr << "\t " << "-----------------------" << endl;
return 2;
Fibonacci fib(atoi(argv[1]));
(option == ALL_FIBS) ? fib.show_all() : fib.show_number();
return 0;
// ###########################################
// Computing very long Fibonacci numbers : END
// Algorithm-2b
// ###########################################
// ###########################################
// Comparative performance : BEGIN
// ###########################################
Windows 2000 Professional
Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1.70. GHz
CYGWIN_NT-5.0 1.5.4(0.94/3/2)
GNU g++ version 3.3.1 (cygming special)
GNU time 1.7
Complexity of two algorithms has been compared while computing Fibonacci-5000, Fibonacci-10000, Fibonacci-25000.
Algorithm-1b :
[1] 0.27 real, 0.25 user, 0.04 sys, 10704 max-resident
[2] 0.27 real, 0.25 user, 0.03 sys, 10704 max-resident
[3] 0.27 real, 0.25 user, 0.03 sys, 10704 max-resident
[4] 0.27 real, 0.25 user, 0.03 sys, 10704 max-resident
[5] 0.27 real, 0.26 user, 0.01 sys, 10704 max-resident
[1] 0.95 real, 0.94 user, 0.03 sys, 10736 max-resident
[2] 0.94 real, 0.92 user, 0.04 sys, 10736 max-resident
[3] 0.94 real, 0.92 user, 0.03 sys, 10736 max-resident
[4] 0.94 real, 0.92 user, 0.03 sys, 10736 max-resident
[5] 0.94 real, 0.92 user, 0.04 sys, 10736 max-resident
[1] 5.63 real, 5.61 user, 0.03 sys, 10800 max-resident
[2] 5.67 real, 5.64 user, 0.03 sys, 10800 max-resident
[3] 5.62 real, 5.59 user, 0.02 sys, 10800 max-resident
[4] 5.63 real, 5.60 user, 0.04 sys, 10800 max-resident
[5] 5.66 real, 5.62 user, 0.04 sys, 10800 max-resident
Algorithm-2b :
[1] 0.22 real, 0.20 user, 0.03 sys, 14960 max-resident
[2] 0.22 real, 0.20 user, 0.04 sys, 14960 max-resident
[3] 0.23 real, 0.20 user, 0.04 sys, 14960 max-resident
[4] 0.22 real, 0.20 user, 0.03 sys, 14960 max-resident
[5] 0.22 real, 0.19 user, 0.04 sys, 14960 max-resident
[1] 0.52 real, 0.50 user, 0.03 sys, 21552 max-resident
[2] 0.52 real, 0.49 user, 0.05 sys, 21552 max-resident
[3] 0.53 real, 0.51 user, 0.03 sys, 21552 max-resident
[4] 0.53 real, 0.50 user, 0.04 sys, 21552 max-resident
[5] 0.53 real, 0.50 user, 0.04 sys, 21552 max-resident
[1] 2.03 real, 2.00 user, 0.01 sys, 20144 max-resident
[2] 2.02 real, 1.97 user, 0.07 sys, 20144 max-resident
[3] 2.03 real, 1.98 user, 0.06 sys, 20144 max-resident
[4] 2.03 real, 1.98 user, 0.07 sys, 20144 max-resident
[5] 2.36 real, 2.31 user, 0.05 sys, 20144 max-resident
Note. max-resident is Maximum resident set size of the process during its lifetime, in Kilobytes.
// ###########################################
// Comparative performance : END
// ###########################################
Alex Vinokur
mailto:[email protected]