Phil Tomson
do a lot of things in volume and I know with ruby this would bite me.
2) Localized modification of built-in classes.
While arguably a feature of ruby, the truth is that at a large scale
this leaves the door open to chaos. VFX is a dynamic industry. Oa
normal production, you have 10 to 50 technical directors, many of them
writing and updating scripts (and all of them with different amount of
programming knowledge), and usually doing so without a true
coordination. This is not chaos, but it is a true benefit for the
production and the facility. Lacking namespaces or so is an issue in
ruby and I know such an issue would not even arise for python, so this
is also a minus for the language.
can you elaborate? Ruby has namespaces defined by modules.
As far as modifying builtin classes goes, we're hearing a lot in
this thread about how this is a problem. Personally, I don't see it as
long as you're not redefining predefined methods.
However, if you really don't want anyone modifying built-in classes then
you can use freeze:
irb(main):001:0> Array.freeze
=> Array
irb(main):002:0> class Array
irb(main):003:1> def foo
irb(main):004:2> "foo"
irb(main):005:2> end
irb(main):006:1> end
TypeError: can't modify frozen class
from (irb):3
I suppose you could even define some sort of make_safe method that
through all of the built-in classes/modules (and even ones that you've
added) and calls freeze on them, thus
saving you from having to individually freeze each one - it wouldn't be
that hard to do.
In fact, here's the code for doing it:
def make_safe
if(o.class == Class || o.class == Module)
call make_safe and all of the current Class and Method objects in
ObjectSpace are frozen. Maybe there should be an RCR for a commandline
argument that actually does this when Ruby is invoked.
However, I consider being able to (judiciously) add methods to built-in
classes one of the great features of the language and I really doubt that
when people are considering Ruby for a project that very many of them come
to the fact that classes are always open and decide that it's a deal breaker.
The kinds of 'dangerous' things you can do with Perl (for example) haven't
seemed to hinder it too much over the years.
3) Better english documentation.
There's still the need for good english docs of all the libraries that
are shipped with ruby. There's also the need for documenting what
constructs make ruby a tad faster or slower. There's also the need
for a solid "cookbook" a la perl or python, albeit some web docs are a
step in the right direction.
4) Better multiplatform support and libraries.
Ruby is still somewhat inmature in dealing with scripts that would be
run across multiple platforms. Determining the platform, OS and OS
version at runtime is still a pain in ruby compared to python or perl.
A library for this is neeed asap.
Perhaps, but I've written lots of cross-platform scripts. How hard is it
to do:
when /win/
#do Windows things
when /nix/
#do Unix things
How does Perl/Python handle this any easier?
6) Better emacs support. Tools to do automatic refactoring.
The use of "end" as a delimiter makes it still hard in emacs to
determine to which block it corresponds, unlike a bracket.
This works in vim. I'm not an emacs user, but if they could get it
working with a vim script, I'm sure it can be done in emacs lisp.
Some easy
macro is needed for that. In some way, ruby seems to suffer from this
a tad like python, which makes refactoring important to keep functions
within a page long. Thus, automatic refactoring tools would also be a
godsend (specially if they work with emacs and vi like the python
library refactoring does).
7) Multiple inheritance.
While this is something imo a scripting language can indeed do without
(and I kind of like that), it does present a big headache if you want
to integrate a C/C++ library that does depend on multiple inheritance.
It's not so bad at this point. Swig 1.3.20 (for automatically
wrapping C++ code) handles this by considering each of the base classes as
modules that get mixed-in to the derived class.
For more details, see:
If you prefer not to use Swig, you could still borrow this idea. Swig
works quite well, however and it's a lot faster than 'hand' wrapping.