Cee Joe
Hi Jake,
I would still need the header intact, which should be away from the rest
of the entry:
instead of:
">gi|329295464|ref|NM_2005745.3Acc1| Def1 zgc:65895 (zgc:65895),
Still need the header line so I can extract information from that and
the lines after that in each entry. Your delete() will delete all the
newlines, which would not be beneficial in this scenario. Thanks for the
input, appreciate it.
I would still need the header intact, which should be away from the rest
of the entry:
AGCTCGGGGGCTCTAGCGATTTAAGGAGCGATGCGATCGAGCTGACCGTCGCGgi|329295464|ref|NM_2005745.3Acc1| Def1 zgc:65895 (zgc:65895), mRNA
instead of:
">gi|329295464|ref|NM_2005745.3Acc1| Def1 zgc:65895 (zgc:65895),
Still need the header line so I can extract information from that and
the lines after that in each entry. Your delete() will delete all the
newlines, which would not be beneficial in this scenario. Thanks for the
input, appreciate it.