First time I looked at Python was(...)

  • Thread starter Carlos Anselmo Dias
  • Start date

Carlos Anselmo Dias

Terry Jan Reedy ...

(yhis one is portuguese ...

I'm someone who did very probably more webpages than you in your entire
life ...

Do you exist?

leo kirotawa


Guys I'm from Brazil too, and I'm ashamed for this troll. And sorry by
his terrible taste in music.
Wondering now about moderation , have we one?


Carlos Anselmo Dias

The end-> for replies like this one ...

As far as I'm concerned and I'm not ... we'll talk about what I wrote
when it will be time too ...

There we'll see who has the possibility of participating ... and I'm not
excluding people ... and certainly not those who answered like this ...

I can't wait to see your capacity to determine if your brains make sense
or not ...

As far as I'm concerned ... and when you read what I wrote ... I'm
certainly less worried than you ...

Best regards,

Carlos Anselmo Dias

Troll is you ...

Get real ...


Guys I'm from Brazil too, and I'm ashamed for this troll. And sorry by
his terrible taste in music.
Wondering now about moderation , have we one?


Terry Jan Reedy ...

(yhis one is portuguese ...

I'm someone who did very probably more webpages than you in your entire life

Do you exist?

Mark Lawrence


Guys I'm from Brazil too, and I'm ashamed for this troll. And sorry by
his terrible taste in music.
Wondering now about moderation , have we one?

No, otherwise the resident unicode expert would have been booted long ago.

Larry Martell

No, otherwise the resident unicode expert would have been booted long ago.

gmail tagged this message with:

Be careful with this message. It contains content that's typically
used to steal personal information.

Carlos Anselmo Dias


I don't understand the 'problem' of several people ...

I created one post because I've several projects, I'm looking for one
team of experienced experts in Python to work in my projects ... asap
.... I provided one script(I'm not one expert in Python) to help people
think and described the projects(briefly) ...

People start calling me troll,etc-> Are this people not insane? And I
don't understand their paranoia ...

Those who call me troll ... look at the mirror and criticize what I
wrote if you're capable of ... with sense and reasoning ... not like
someone absurd who is not capable of and tries to demonstrate that is
the greatest ... these people should get real ...


Mark H Harris

Guys I'm from Brazil too, and I'm ashamed for this troll.

Don't feed the troll bot.

OTOH, it might be fun to feed it some weird subject|predicate phrases to
see what it does with them.

Bots eat bananas because bouncing on berries becomes beenie baby bologna!


Mark H Harris

Guys I'm from Brazil too, and I'm ashamed for this troll.

Don't feed the troll bot.

OTOH, it might be fun to feed it some weird subject|predicate phrases to
see what it does with them.

Bots eat bananas because bouncing on berries becomes beenie baby bologna!


Carlos Anselmo Dias

Don't feed the troll bot.

OTOH, it might be fun to feed it some weird subject|predicate phrases
to see what it does with them.

Bots eat bananas because bouncing on berries becomes beenie baby bologna!


If I was thinking that people were capable of understanding what's about
.... exceeding the barrier of databases, billions of files indexed,etc
.... look at that like client apis ... with logs, advertisement, etc
integrated ... in main-sections with sub-sections ... with control of
cache, web-services, etc ... I tried to resume it briefly and it's about
what I described here ...

I want that people (can) think about it ... like I wrote ... when the
sub-section of one main section starts receiving traffic from search
engines ... it will be possible to think in other main sections,
organize everything,etc ...


Best regards,

Carlos Anselmo Dias

This is the first time in this whole thread that you have stated you are
asking for programmers to assist with a project.

Thank you this is the missing piece of information that we have become
fed-up been asking for.

This is not a recruiting forum so you would be better of asking elsewhere.
when you do please help yourself by not only stating that you are trying
to recruit programmer but also give some indication on the scope of the

Hi ...

Good morning ...

What a confusion/headache(...)

I'm waiting for traffic of search engines in one subsection of one main
section to step forward with the organization of what I described
briefly I'd write ...

Like I explained there are 500 millions of thumbs to import and 20
million of thumbs every month in that sub-section ...

I don't need assistance, I'll need one team of programmers to work ...

I'm not writing more posts/emails.


Best regards,

Carlos Anselmo Dias

Your e-mails are so difficult to parse and understand that your message
was lost in the noise. In fact this is the first post of yours that I
can even partly understand. Your unconventional and incorrect sentence
structure makes it very hard to understand you. I doubt most people
reading your e-mails can even tell what you want and why you are writing.

After you post a dozen undecipherable posts (literally I cannot
understand them), and keep posting undecipherable, strange sentence
fragments, surely it's understandable why people are frustrated and
annoyed. You excuse yourself by saying English isn't your first
language. Well, we say, please correct your sentence structure, speak
simply and clearly, don't get upset, and you'll get people responding to
you positively.

I'd criticize what you wrote if I could understand it. I for one still
do not know what these "projects" of yours are, or what kind of help you
desire. If you need to hire programming assistance, just say so. State
your terms of hire. There are freelancers on this list. If you're
looking for free help, you might get some of that, especially if the
projects themselves will be open source.

The www,etc is full of ridiculous people with ridiculous ideas/projects
....considering themselves the greatest,etc and are nothing but a bunch
of absurd ... ones worst than the others ... "SHIT to be more precise!"

Copy/paste of 2 emails I sent (...)


Hi ...

Good morning ...

What a confusion/headache(...)

I'm waiting for traffic of search engines in one subsection of one main
section to step forward with the organization of what I described
briefly I'd write ...

Like I explained there are 500 millions of thumbs to import and 20
million of thumbs every month in that sub-section ...

I don't need assistance, I'll need one team of programmers to work ...

I'm not writing more posts/emails.


Best regards,

---2nd ----

If I was thinking that people were capable of understanding what's about
.... exceeding the barrier of databases, billions of files indexed,etc
.... look at that like client apis ... with logs, advertisement, etc
integrated ... in main-sections with sub-sections ... with control of
cache, web-services, etc ... I tried to resume it briefly and it's about
what I described here ...

I want that people (can) think about it ... like I wrote ... when the
sub-section of one main section starts receiving traffic from search
engines ... it will be possible to think in other main sections,
organize everything,etc ...


Best regards,

Carlos Anselmo Dias

Hi ...

So I'm not receiving more emails from Python mailing list or
posting/sending more messages ...

I'm keeping your emails that I received to contact all of you when it
will be time to step forward ...

If you want you can send me your cv or one small text to
(e-mail address removed) ... You can use my email too ...

If what I wrote is not enough(describing the projects,etc), to be honest
I wouldn't write anything else besides that ...

I'm not really interested in what you did, I'm interested in what you're
capable of doing and what you're capable of doing is integrated in one
team of Python programmers to organize, manage, develop, implement
everything related with ...

My messages are with the subject 'python team(...)' + 'First time I
looked at Python was(...)'


Best regards,

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