for(;;) or while(1)?



John said:
Not true. I frequently break structure for the explicit purpose
to improve portability. The typical case being something like:

int error_code = NO_ERROR;

a = malloc(sz_a);
if (a == NULL) { error_code = MEM_ERROR; goto my_end; }
(...calculations using a...)
b = malloc(sz_b);
if (b == NUL) { error_code = MEM_ERROR; goto cleanup_a; }
(...calculations using a and b...)
c = malloc(sz_c);
if (c == NUL) { error_code = MEM_ERROR; goto cleanup_b };
(...calculations using a, b and c...)

free (c);
free (b);
free (a);

return error_code;

I'm not sure exactly how that improves portability?

My problem with this structure is that it does not clearly convey
that c is dependent on b and a, and that b is dependent on a. I
would rather have that relationship visually reinforced by nesting
even if it means marching halfway across the page, because then I
can see the relationship and its extent at a glance, instead of
groveling through the source.

I am a proponent of goto, in its place. This is not it. I would
code that snippet as:

int error_code = MEM_ERROR; /* default */

a = b = c = NULL;
if (a = malloc(sz_a)) {
...calculations using a...
if (b = malloc(sz_b)) {
...calculations using a and b...
if (c = malloc(sz_c)) {
...calculations using a, b and c...
error_code = NO_ERROR;
free (c);
free (b);
free (a);

and I would be more inclined to invert the selections to put the
good case at the end, assuming I don't need to calculate things
before the mallocs:

a = b = c = NULL;
if (!(a = malloc(...))) error(AFAILS);
else if (!(b = malloc(...))) error(BFAILS);
else if (!(c = malloc(...))) error(CFAILS);
else { /* we can go to work */
/* the real stuff goes here */
error(NOERROR); /* or some such */
free(c); free(b); free(a);

Noah Roberts

I am a proponent of goto, in its place. This is not it. I would
code that snippet as:

int error_code = MEM_ERROR; /* default */

a = b = c = NULL;
if (a = malloc(sz_a)) {
...calculations using a...
if (b = malloc(sz_b)) {
...calculations using a and b...
if (c = malloc(sz_c)) {
...calculations using a, b and c...
error_code = NO_ERROR;
free (c);
free (b);
free (a);

and I would be more inclined to invert the selections to put the
good case at the end, assuming I don't need to calculate things
before the mallocs:

a = b = c = NULL;
if (!(a = malloc(...))) error(AFAILS);
else if (!(b = malloc(...))) error(BFAILS);
else if (!(c = malloc(...))) error(CFAILS);
else { /* we can go to work */
/* the real stuff goes here */
error(NOERROR); /* or some such */
free(c); free(b); free(a);

I believe that both of these examples blow up if one of your allocs
fail. This is the problem the goto advocates are trying to solve.


Noah Roberts

Noah said:
I believe that both of these examples blow up if one of your allocs
fail. This is the problem the goto advocates are trying to solve.

Nevermind, I always thought free(NULL) blew up. I stand corrected.

Both of your examples are much better than the goto stuff you responded
to. I also like the 2nd better than my own but I wrote mine under
mistaken assumptions :p


Brett Frankenberger

I believe that both of these examples blow up if one of your allocs
fail. This is the problem the goto advocates are trying to solve.

I believe that if one or more of the malloc()'s fails, he'll end up
calling free(0) one or more times. I also believe that calling free(0)
is allowed and does nothing.

-- Brett


Noah said:
Nevermind, I always thought free(NULL) blew up. I stand corrected.

Both of your examples are much better than the goto stuff you responded
to. I also like the 2nd better than my own but I wrote mine under
mistaken assumptions :p

That's why I initialize the pointers to NULL. free(p), when p is
not initialized to either NULL or a value returned by malloc, will
blow up.


Arthur J. O'Dwyer said:
Please don't post attachments to non-binaries groups.
A simple link to Google Groups, or, even better, a quick
reminder to "look three messages up the darn thread and
*read* it" would have sufficed.

And in general, don't use spaces in filenames. Some
uudecode clients might not even parse your attachment
correctly (I dunno what any RFC on the topic says; I'm
just pointing out the possibility).


Thanks for the tips! No that you have enhanced my knowledge of newsgroup
postings, I'll make every effort to refrain from doing it again.


Dave Thompson

Noah Roberts <[email protected]> writes:
while (always)
get input
if input is quit then die

do something

but it is much better do do ['structured' with boolean]
"Much better"... IYO. I frequently prefer the former, and call it
a "mid-test" loop. IMO, mainstream programming languages have
syntax for a pretest loop and posttest loop, but no one supports
the midtest loop. So I use the former example above, <snip>

[<name>:] loop
<some stuff>;
exit [<name>] when <condition>;
<other stuff>;
end loop [<name>];
... for <var> in <range> loop ... similarly
... while <othercondition> loop ... similarly

LISP allows you to construct any syntax you like using macros, within
the normal parentheses and lexing rules. But I don't know if I would
count that as in the language, and mainstreamness is debatable.

Bourne-family shells allow multiple statements in the condition of a
while or until construct and only the "result" of the last is tested,
so the effect is the same although the syntax is less clear.
Although shell is debatably not a programming language at all.

FORTH does effectively the same thing, since it has no real statement
boundaries. Again not very mainstream.

- David.Thompson1 at


Micah Cowan said:
That's all well and good: but what if you needed to use a before
you had the details on exactly what size you needed b to be?

ok then, how about this:
x = y = z = NULL;
if (x = malloc (a)) {
if (y = malloc (b)) {
if (z = malloc (c)) {

if (x) free (x);
if (y) free (y);
if (z) free (z);

much cleaner, plus structured as well (the indentation
indicates very clearly to me that successfull allocation
of x will allow allocation of y, which if successfull
will allow allocation of z).

if you need to *handle* the error at some point, then just
add in an integer to keep track of it

int error = 0;
x = y = z = NULL;
if (x = malloc (a)) {
if (y = malloc (b)) {
if (z = malloc (c)) {
} else error = 1;
} else error = 2;
} else error = 3;

if (x) free (x);
if (y) free (y);
if (z) free (z);

switch (error) {
case 1: printf ("no mem for z occurred\n"); break;
case 2: printf ("no mem for y occurred\n"); break;
case 3: printf ("no mem for x occurred\n"); break;
default: printf ("no error\n");


Noah Roberts said:
I believe that both of these examples blow up if one of your allocs
fail. This is the problem the goto advocates are trying to solve.

where does it blow up ? what does it do wrong if the malloc fails ?

i must be dense today, or something like that :)

Noah Roberts

goose said:
where does it blow up ? what does it do wrong if the malloc fails ?

i must be dense today, or something like that :)

You are just comming in late to a thread and didn't read the whole thing.



goose said:
.... snip ...

if you need to *handle* the error at some point, then just
add in an integer to keep track of it

int error = 0;
x = y = z = NULL;
if (x = malloc (a)) {
if (y = malloc (b)) {
if (z = malloc (c)) {
} else error = 1;
} else error = 2;
} else error = 3;

if (x) free (x);
if (y) free (y);
if (z) free (z);

switch (error) {
case 1: printf ("no mem for z occurred\n"); break;
case 2: printf ("no mem for y occurred\n"); break;
case 3: printf ("no mem for x occurred\n"); break;
default: printf ("no error\n");

Complications not needed. The equivalent is:

x = y = z = NULL
if (!(x = malloc(a))) printf("...");
else if (!(y = malloc(b))) printf("...");
else if (!(z = malloc(c))) printf("...");
else {
free(z); free(y); free(x);

( If you don't like the "!(" replace with "NULL != (" )

and you can always factor "malloc(b)" etc. into a routine:

T *routine(b, others)
return malloc(b);

if you must have independent operations between the mallocs.
routine may even include the printf and be common to all three
cases, for net code reduction.

I think I said all this earlier. Maybe that was another thread.

Larry Doolittle

Complications not needed. The equivalent is:
x = y = z = NULL
if (!(x = malloc(a))) printf("...");
else if (!(y = malloc(b))) printf("...");
else if (!(z = malloc(c))) printf("...");
else {
free(z); free(y); free(x);
and you can always factor "malloc(b)" etc. into a routine:
T *routine(b, others)
return malloc(b);
if you must have independent operations between the mallocs.

This is also an interesting place for a "," (comma) operator.
x = y = z = NULL
if ( !(x = malloc(a))) printf("...");
else if (setup1(x), !(y = malloc(b))) printf("...");
else if (setup2(x,y),!(z = malloc(c))) printf("...");
else {
where setup1() and setup2() can be either true functions,
or just some simple in-line code.

It doesn't use malloc(), but you can see a similar interaction
of the comma operator and a chain of else-if's in busybox's
date.c:date_conv_ftime() routine. While a bit unusual,
it doesn't take long to grasp, and the code path is greatly
simplified compared to other constructs. This is the author
speaking, so you can take this as a totally unbiased assessment.

- Larry


CBFalconer said:
Complications not needed. The equivalent is:

x = y = z = NULL
if (!(x = malloc(a))) printf("...");
else if (!(y = malloc(b))) printf("...");
else if (!(z = malloc(c))) printf("...");
else {
free(z); free(y); free(x);

but what if my "error handler" needs to do more than
print a diagnostic ? changing it to the following:

x = y = z = NULL
if (!(x = malloc(a))) {
/* close files */
/* restore signals */
/* print a message */
else if (!(y = malloc(b))) {
/* close files */
/* restore signals */
/* print a message */
else if (!(z = malloc(c))) {
/* close files */
/* restore signals */
/* print a message */

else {
free(z); free(y); free(x);

and now /that/ does look complicated. with switch
statement, you can at least add tons of error handling
cpode without it getting in the way of readability of
the logic.
( If you don't like the "!(" replace with "NULL != (" )

and you can always factor "malloc(b)" etc. into a routine:

T *routine(b, others)
return malloc(b);

this is best, really.
if you must have independent operations between the mallocs.
routine may even include the printf and be common to all three
cases, for net code reduction.

I think I said all this earlier. Maybe that was another thread.

no, i came into the thread late, i think :)


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