Peter said:
Actually this is a miss reading.
What is a misreading?
The whole point of the first post was
to point out that the speed up from going from Perl (or any scripting
language) to C. I used the same Perl code to pre compute values to
create the C header file because I already had code at this point that
did the work and the impact of doing the pre compute was pretty much
insignificant to the overall run time. I then used to same technique to
get the Java implementation. I have never claimed that the C version was
the best possible implementations only that it delivered a massive
performance boost. I think that I have proven that.
Now I'm puzzled - isn't that just conventional wisdom? Isn't it
conventional wisdom that a program transformed by an optimizing
compiler will be faster than a program interpreted at runtime?
We can see that by looking at the same C program using both a compiler
and an interpreter like CINT.
CINT scripts can call compiled code, which takes us that next step -
it's faster when the script glues together compiled functions, so it's
good to have a large library of highly-optimised compiled functions.
We can figure that out without a programming language flame war
There are optimisations that could be applied to the C version but they
are only going to get percentage improvements and are getting much
harder to reliably measure.
As to Ocaml versions, well they were submitted and proved to be faster
than my C version. C is quite a fragile language to develop in and so
any high level language that can deliver that performance is very
interesting. To me at least.
And all this Java stuff, well that comes from the post by Charles O Nutter:
It was the "at least as fast as" bit that I disputed and the whole Java
sub thread comes from that.
Here's what Charles O Nutter said
It's not obvious to me what he meant by "Write it in C is as valid as
write it in Java" but the points I'd take from X is at least as fast as
Y for most algorithms are
- it can be true that using the particular implementations of languages
X and Y on his computer X is at least as fast as Y, and using the same
or different implementations of languages X and Y on your computer X is
not as fast as Y
- we don't care about "most algorithms" just the particular ones we
deal with
Now I've read that old post, I understand why he called your Java
program bogus. With apology, it must have seemed that you were
deliberately writing bad Java to prove your point. ;-)
The only requirement is that I can get an implementation of the language
in question on my Macintosh.
D and Clean are other languages you might look at, but using a
different language won't make what you're trying to do any more
In your original post, you listed grid sizes with the number of
permutations but you only listed N! - the permutations of a single row
afaict your approach is to enumerate every distinct latin square of
side N, from
size : squares
1 : 1! x 0! x 1
2 : 2! x 1! x 1
3 : 3! x 2! x 1
4 : 4! x 3! x 4
5 : 5! x 4! x 56
6 : 6! x 5! x 9408
7 : 7! x 6! x 16942080
8 : 8! x 7! x 535281401856
9 : 9! x 8! x 377597570964258816
I don't know much about algorithm analysis but I'd guess that
generating 5524751496156892842531225600 latin squares is a bad idea.
Maybe you can use some of the tricks from this paper "Enumerating
possible Sudoku grids" - the authors programs are available here