Tore Aursand
It's indented in the way I like it. How would you define "properly"?
By the way 90% (at least) of the other Perl programmers indent it.
Most of my code does and this one will too, as soon as I get around to
Until then: Please don't post - or refer to - malicious scripts. If you
do, please include the warning I wrote.
Yeah, I figure [...]
You aren't the one to "figure out" things here - Perl is! Don't _EVER_
think that "oh, this will work in any case, 'cause...", because the case
where it doesn't work will eventually come.
Murphy's law: What can go wrong, will go wrong (at least that's the law
translated directly from Norwegian, my primary language).
Don't you have an editor with a "Search" or "Find" function? Please get
one; I'm sure I saw at least two calls to 'exit' in your script.
Well, as tassilo said, what's the point of not using perl? Perl is great
for interpolation of variables in html code and stuff.
Please see my answer to Tassilo about this.
What do you mean exactly?
Your scripts are accepting input from the outside world, but you never
care to validate that input. People _will_ eventually try to send your
script "bad input".