function sprintf


Richard Heathfield

Leor said:
Leor said:
I just tried so /hard/ [...] to give the OP the info I thought
was most important, without triggering the nit picking, and I
didn't quite pull it off.

Here's your badge. Here's your locker key. Toilets are down the hall, on
the left. Fire escape is out the back. You can use that coffee machine
over there. (This one here is private, I'm afraid. I get through a lot of
coffee, ever since the Incident Involving An Assertion Failure.)

Thanks, Richard! So I've got my locker, my "Troll" badge... what's next?

Learn to use the fire escape. In comp.lang.c, it's an essential survival

Lew Pitcher

Hash: SHA1

Richard Heathfield wrote:
| Leor Zolman wrote:
|>Thanks, Richard! So I've got my locker, my "Troll" badge... what's next?
| Learn to use the fire escape. In comp.lang.c, it's an essential survival
| skill.

I think that Leor is probably familiar with the fire escape. He has a reputation
as an implementer to live down: "BDS C" to be precise

Hi, Leor.

Welcome back!

- --
Lew Pitcher

Master Codewright & JOAT-in-training | GPG public key available on request
Registered Linux User #112576 (
Slackware - Because I know what I'm doing.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Richard Heathfield

Lew said:
Hash: SHA1

Richard Heathfield wrote:
| Leor Zolman wrote:
|>Thanks, Richard! So I've got my locker, my "Troll" badge... what's next?
| Learn to use the fire escape. In comp.lang.c, it's an essential survival
| skill.

I think that Leor is probably familiar with the fire escape. He has a
reputation as an implementer to live down:

Yes, so I gathered...

"BDS C" to be precise

Hi, Leor.

Welcome back!

....but I didn't know he was an ex-reg here. Which makes him a lot older than
me, of course. In fact, I expect his hair has gone all grey.

Me? Just a nipper, me.

Leor Zolman

Lew said:
Hash: SHA1

Richard Heathfield wrote:
| Leor Zolman wrote:
|>Thanks, Richard! So I've got my locker, my "Troll" badge... what's next?
| Learn to use the fire escape. In comp.lang.c, it's an essential survival
| skill.

I think that Leor is probably familiar with the fire escape. He has a
reputation as an implementer to live down:

Yes, so I gathered...

"BDS C" to be precise

Hi, Leor.

Welcome back!

...but I didn't know he was an ex-reg here. Which makes him a lot older than
me, of course. In fact, I expect his hair has gone all grey.

But I wasn't! No, newsgroups weren't even really on my radar screen until I
began noticing posts about me and/or my tools (that's what prompted me to
release BDS C into the public domain), and I began to post in earnest upon
discovering alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++, as a way to "keep in shape" during
the IT training work downturn. I soon learned (as I've described in a
post a while back) that the set of skills (or part of my brain) needed to
post effectively around here is not necessarily the same as what it takes
to be a decent classroom instructor, and I want to be good at /both/.

I pretty much shunned this group for a while after I started posting to
acllcc++; I was intimidated by it. But I managed to somehow get sucked in
against my better judgment ;-)

So I interpreted the "Welcome back" (thanks, Lew!) more as meaning
something like "Welcome back from obscurity".

I also mentioned very recently that I often have trouble with terminology;
so, I have to admit that the "fire escape" metaphor has so far gone right
over my head, although I guess it has something to do with ... OH! with
/flames/, right? Yeah, I can be dense sometimes.

P.S. One or two strands of gray show up once in a while, and my less
fortunate wife never misses an opportunity to point them out...

Lew Pitcher

Hash: SHA1

Leor Zolman wrote:
| So I interpreted the "Welcome back" (thanks, Lew!) more as meaning
| something like "Welcome back from obscurity".

Well, I didn't mean it in such a negative sense. <grin>

I /did/ mean something like "I'm glad you've come. I hope you stay."


- --
Lew Pitcher

Master Codewright & JOAT-in-training | GPG public key available on request
Registered Linux User #112576 (
Slackware - Because I know what I'm doing.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Richard Heathfield

Leor said:
P.S. One or two strands of gray show up once in a while, and my less
fortunate wife never misses an opportunity to point them out...

And how does your less fortunate wife react to your more fortunate wife? I
don't envy you, by the way; I couldn't live like that. :)

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