It has already been shown. You need to make a sincere effort to
understand the post to which you replied. If you did not understand
Pascal's post, then ask a question.
You mean this bit?
(def function(designator,arity=(-1))
(args = (((1 .. arity) . map { | i | ("a" + i.to_s) }) . join("
, ")))
(eval("(Proc . new { | " + args + " | " +
"(" + (designator . to_s) + " " + args + " )})"))
Well, if I call
smallest, 1)
it returns
eval "(Proc . new { | a1 | (smallest a1 )})"
I've never had to use any eval construct like this in real Ruby
programs. The nearest I can think of is obj.method
smallest) which
gives a bound method object I can pass around and call later.
Is it trying to defeat auto-splat? This is certainly an area where Ruby
appears to be broken.
irb(main):001:0> def f(x); puts "*** #{x.inspect} ***"; end
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> ff = method
=> #<Method: Object#f>
irb(main):003:0> ff[1]
*** 1 ***
=> nil
irb(main):004:0> [1,2,3].map(&ff)
*** 1 ***
*** 2 ***
*** 3 ***
=> [nil, nil, nil]
irb(main):005:0> [[1],[2],[3]].map(&ff)
*** [1] ***
*** [2] ***
*** [3] ***
=> [nil, nil, nil]
irb(main):006:0> [[1],[2],[3,4]].map(&ff)
*** [1] ***
*** [2] ***
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)
from (irb):1:in `f'
from (irb):1:in `to_proc'
from (irb):6:in `map'
from (irb):6
from :0
However, this problem doesn't occur if you use lambda rather than
irb(main):007:0> ff = lambda { |x| puts "*** #{x.inspect} ***" }
=> #<Proc:0xb7da2a70@(irb):7>
irb(main):008:0> [[1],[2],[3,4]].map(&ff)
*** [1] ***
*** [2] ***
*** [3, 4] ***
=> [nil, nil, nil]
so it seems to me that everything Pascal wrote could be written directly
in corresponding Ruby. For example:
# (begin
# (printlist (mapcar (lambda {|x| (x + 1)}),(list 1,2,3)))
# (terpri)
# end)
p [1,2,3].map { |x| x + 1}
# (def smallestElement(list,minimum)
# (if (endp list)
# minimum
# elsif (minimum < (first list))
# (smallestElement (rest list),minimum)
# else
# (smallestElement (rest list),(first list))
# end)
# end)
# (def smallest(list)
# (smallestElement (rest list),(first list))
# end)
smallestElement = lambda { |list,minimum|
if list.empty?
elsif minimum < list.first
smallest = lambda { |list|
smallestElement[list[1..-1], list.first]
# (begin
# (terpri)
# (printlist (mapcar (function :smallest,1),(list (list 1),
# (list 1,1,1,1),
# (list 1,2,3,4),
# (list 4,3,2,1),
# (list
# (list
# (terpri)
# end)
p [
I'm afraid I don't really have the patience to convert all of the rest.
If you are only going to talk in hints and enigmas, perhaps you could
hint at which point of all this Ruby breaks down?