Dmitry said:
Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:
On 28 Ñен, 22:12, kangax <
[email protected]> wrote: [...]
The other thing optional name is better - in theory (by algorithm) it
should be resolved faster than e.g. external identifier binding
referenced to function object (as the object held optional name of FE
regarding Scope is in front of [[Scope]], right after activation
object). But it should be resolved slower that arguments.callee as
arguments-object is in activation object (but with doubt, as
also .callee property should be got - and it's also time).
Actually, mere occurence of `arguments.callee` usually results in
decreased performance as some (newer) engines tend to create `callee`
lazily on its first access (and, IIRC, ditto for the `arguments` object).
Ah, maybe, didn't know that, thx for info. But, I mostly was talking
about theoretical algorithms, independent implementations. Lazy
instantiation for |arguments| and its properties seems to me a good
But this non-standard handling of NFE in IE is really damned. Was it
so hard to remove that object held the name of FE after the FE is
created? For what they (IE) put this name right into variable/
activation object (and even create different object)? - that's really
strange, I don't see the explanation (more than, they forbid
[[Delete]]-ing properties of the host objects - it's not possible even
to delete that not needed optional name which is VO/AO now; null-ing
maybe will remove object by GC, but will leave the property name).
IE parses NFE as if it was a function declaration, so I would assume it
creates a DontDelete'able binding (as any other function declaration).I
can't be sure though. I was never really concerned with this.
IE sets {DontDelete} for every property of host object, e.g. for
window object.
Not really.
window is only **one host object**. The fact that setting property on
window (and specially via undeclared assignment) results in that
property having {DontDelete} attribute, doesn't really mean that every
other host object behaves that way, does it? = 1;
delete; // true; // undefined
(in IE8 that is)
document is host object too, as I'm sure you know.
Yes, thanks for correction, I've exactly meant |window| object (said
not correctly). Even better to say that |window| don't allow (not
supports) [[Delete]] operation for properties if to try to delete
explicitly via |delete window.someProperty|.
                  DontEnum ReadOnly DontDelete
created_via_var_declaration    true   false  true
created_via_func_declaration    true   false  true
created_via_property_assignment  false   false   Error
created_via_undeclared_assignment true   false   Error
Have you seen this recent thread?
Nope, will see, thanks for reminding the IE's internal properties
handling table, but I see some strange things yet (will show bellow).
DontEnum ReadOnly DontDelete
created_via_undeclared_assignment true false Error
Here's one crazy-head thing in IE (at least in IE8):
If to delete undeclared assigned property implicitly (without |window|
object prefix), that's OK (and that means I missed myself with example
b = 10;
delete b;
alert(b); // "b" is not defined
Or event:
b = 10;
alert('b' in window); // true
b = 10;
delete b;
alert('b' in window); // false
But bellow, that bug-things are:
b = 10;
alert('b' in window); // true, OK, as we see it above
delete b;
alert('b' in window); // true, again true? but we see above false
after that
// the most buggy-thing
alert(b); // **out of memory**, not "b" is not defined