Eric Sosman
Dan said:In said:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Not "the high-order bits of the resulting value," but
"the resulting value, period."
Wrong. You have no licence to ignore the first statement of the
paragraph, which is limiting the options of the implementor.
It is a wilful (probably) misreading of the Standard
to maintain that the first sentence invalidates the other
two. Consider the similar construction in
The sqrt functions compute the nonnegative
square root of x. A domain error occurs if
the argument is less than zero.
If the first sentence is taken to be inviolable, as you
suggest in the case of right-shift, then sqrt() must compute
a non-negative square root for *every* argument value, even
negative values. This is, of course, nonsense -- so it
follows that the first sentence *can* be ignored under the
circumstances described in the rest of the paragraph.
"The value is implementation-defined" means what it
says: The implementation has complete freedom to produce
any value it chooses, so long as it documents the choice.
See also 3.17.1 and 3.17.3.