Chris Riesbeck a écrit :
If I have a clip style for images in the head
and another clip style inline for one image, this inline style wins
(Fx, Safari)
Try on this page :
javascript:document.images[0].style.clip='rect(50px 120px 120px 50px)';
That works in my Safary
but not in my Fx (don't know why)
Yes but you want so much (too much ?).
(style in a class, class in an external style sheet)
I've something with same effect (not from me) archived somewhere in my DD.
Not from what I've tried so far, as documented in previous postings and
this demo file:
If I have a clip style for images in the head
and another clip style inline for one image, this inline style wins
(Fx, Safari)
Try on this page :
javascript:document.images[0].style.clip='rect(50px 120px 120px 50px)';
That works in my Safary
but not in my Fx (don't know why)
No, I just need an initial default clip rect -- really just it's width
and height -- that JS can use. See the magnifier demo:
Yes but you want so much (too much ?).
(style in a class, class in an external style sheet)
I've something with same effect (not from me) archived somewhere in my DD.