Just to make my voice heard, I agree with Joona.
"Usenet Best Practices" is open for comment. The IETF commenting
process is well documented; see
www.ietf.org. Those who care about
this sort of thing might wish to investigate it, since that would be
the ideal way to affect any RFC that develops from this draft.
Personally, I find lines containing only a quote marker (or even
multiple levels of quote markers) are adequate as vertical white-
space for my reading, which is why UBP's recommendations don't worry
me. On the other hand, since I haven't used "skip quoted material"
in recent years (I'm not even sure if xrn provides it, come to think
of it), I don't have any great affection for this recommendation,
either. I was just noting what UBP says, since it has some chance of
becoming a standard (or, at any rate, an endorsed recommendation).
Michael Wojcik (e-mail address removed)
Reversible CA's are -automorphisms- on shift spaces. It is a notorious
fact in symbolic dynamics that describing such things on a shift of finite
type are -fiendishly- difficult. -- Chris Hillman