gif files in background-image



meagain said:
Are gif files supposed to repeat
when used as background images?

Yes. The repeat is controlled by the CSS.

background: #fff url(img.gif) repeat;


background: #fff url(img.gif) no-repeat;

The former acts the same as

background: #fff url(img.gif);

repeat being default.

Same goes for jpgs and pngs and whatever there is browser support for.


Beauregard T. Shagnasty said:
Oh my. One cannot look at *that* for very long!!

The interesting thing about the dancer is that you can see her turning
either clockwise or anticlockwise, cf. Wittgenstein's duck/rabbit
still drawing.


 "Beauregard T. Shagnasty said:
dorayme wrote:
I happen to have one of those in an old experiment:


You can vary the repeats for none, just horiz or just vert.

How about an animated gif that changes the size and flashes. See . :). Also one could add
multi-colored confetti using Java and many random flashing colored
lines. I will not take the time to do this, because in return for the
Valentine I am afraid I would receive some beautiful raw Easter eggs
via slow boat from Australia. -:)


cwdjrxyz said:
How about an animated gif that changes the size and flashes. See . :).

er... yes well... actually I am looking for something, perhaps a
little subtler - no offence cwdjrxyz - to send to the email address
of a special earthling friend said:
Also one could add
multi-colored confetti using Java and many random flashing colored
lines. I will not take the time to do this, because in return for the
Valentine I am afraid I would receive some beautiful raw Easter eggs
via slow boat from Australia. -:)

No need for that, I have men all over the world that can do my
bidding- rememember, I organised the hunting down of the gang of thugs
that beat poor old Luigi (bless his soul) on the French-German border.
But don't worry, cwdjrxyz, I would not send you anything unpleasant, I
still recall you helping me out with some film I needed to get online
for a job ages ago.

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