global goto in c


Jorgen Grahn

W dniu czwartek, 6 czerwca 2013 19:45:06 UTC+2 u??ytkownik Keith Thompson napisa??: ....

ye, thats google groups,
The best would be if they would repair it :(
(most of the time i prefer just to dont care

Perhaps I misunderstand, but ...
If you don't care if your postings are readable, please stop posting


Kenny McCormack

Perhaps I misunderstand, but ...
If you don't care if your postings are readable, please stop posting

They are readable enough.

And the ninnies who insist on carping about the posting style were never
going to help him anyway, so there's no loss there.

Jorgen Grahn

W dniu czwartek, 6 czerwca 2013 20:02:52 UTC+2 u??ytkownik David Harmon napisa??:

sure, I totally do not know whot would be
the outcome of such global-goto programming
(does anybody know?)

Yes -- the people whose writings you'll find if you google. Chances
are the outcome would be /worse/ today than in the 1970s, with better
compilers, instruction caches, and users who are not very familiar
with GOTO, or the ways it interacts with more modern C constructs.
the classic procedural
way is enough complex

GOTO probably predates what you think of as procedural programming.


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