I really like this idea and I would be willing to do something related
to that in the Google SoC. There's one thing though: although I have
some good background in computing, I have close to no experience in
Ruby and web-related development. Is there anything already done
related to recording that I could base my work on? I've heard there's
something like that already working in Perl.
Here is something already:
Also, I don't know how ambitious a project like this would be for
someone with my experience, so if anyone has a better idea of how
difficult it is please share. What are the skills I would have to
learn? What tools? If it's too difficult to do it all on my own, what
would be a reasonable subset of features I could proppose to implement
and that are more urgently needed by the community?
Well, for the Watir related questions you should ask Bret Pettichord (
bret @!totally! nospam@ pettichord.com ) he also sent the above link
and he is one of the project admins of Watir. You could ask also Angrez
Singh (angrez @brutally -@nospam@ gmail.com) who is developing
FireWatir. (I would like to see this stuff with Firefox, not IE - so
that also non-win32 people can enjoy it).
As for the Ruby part - well, of course you would need to know a fair
amount of Ruby anyway - and extend it with the specific info you get
from Bret/Angrez. Hopefully somebody with more insight into these things
will reply you...
http://www.rubyrailways.com :: Ruby and Web2.0 blog
http://scrubyt.org :: Ruby web scraping framework
http://rubykitchensink.ca/ :: The indexed archive of all things Ruby