Greater than operator Vs Equal to operator : Which one is efficient?


Christian Bau

"ArWeGod said:
Well, how many man-hours will you spend optimizing before just spending the
$300 to upgrade?

Do you write software that runs only on one machine?


Christian Bau said:
Do you write software that runs only on one machine?

Well, I don't run a million operations on my Palm! ;-)
My point is, when you are trying to optimize between == and <=, you might be
wasting your employer's money. I agree with your original response: "Don't
worry" about it.
I mean, come on, if you're using some underpowered hardware that runs so
slow that you need to worry about it, you might be using the wrong hardware.
Time to port it over. Good thing you wrote it in C, eh? Oh, sorry, some of
those "optimizations" will have to be re-written since they use specifics of
the old hardware, what a shame.

Richard Bos

ArWeGod said:
Well, how many man-hours will you spend optimizing before just spending the
$300 to upgrade?

Swapping your microwave for one that contains a fully operational PC
costs only $300? Wow, get me one of those.


Mark Gordon

Well, how many man-hours will you spend optimizing before just
spending the$300 to upgrade?

What makes you think that a faster processor would not exceed power
consumption or heat dissipation requirements? Heat dissipation in
particular can be a bitch in some applications.

What makes you think $300 is irrelevant if the code is in an embedded
system? Car manufacturers, for example, will find ways to reduce the
number of screws to save a few pence per car, how do you think they
feel about $300 per car? Or perhaps the code will be embedded in a toy
that costs $19.95


Richard Bos said:
Swapping your microwave for one that contains a fully operational PC
costs only $300? Wow, get me one of those.


I don't think you can process a million transactions on a microwave oven...
Or even a million popcorns.

IBM and Microsoft have always trusted that hardware would catch up with
their slow speeds. Everyone complains when the new OS is slow and a year
later it's just fine.

I bought Quake III Arena and loaded it on my 400MHz system. The "bots" ran
rings around me before I could even take 10 steps. My new machine ($250 for
mobo, cpu, fan, video, and memory - everything but the case and hard disk)
plays like a dream. Thank you Frys!


Mark Gordon said:
What makes you think that a faster processor would not exceed power
consumption or heat dissipation requirements? Heat dissipation in
particular can be a bitch in some applications.

What makes you think $300 is irrelevant if the code is in an embedded
system? Car manufacturers, for example, will find ways to reduce the
number of screws to save a few pence per car, how do you think they
feel about $300 per car? Or perhaps the code will be embedded in a toy
that costs $19.95

OK, everyone's jumping on the upgrade idea! Whee!

The man is processing 1000000 transactions in some unknown (but, presumably
Right Now) time period. OK?!

It's not embedded, it's not the space shuttle, it's a transaction processing

It _could_ be Big Iron. But, he's on the C ng so it's probably not, or it
would be CICS ( "Get your CICS, on IBM 666")

Mark Gordon

OK, everyone's jumping on the upgrade idea! Whee!

The man is processing 1000000 transactions in some unknown (but,
presumably Right Now) time period. OK?!

It's not embedded, it's not the space shuttle, it's a transaction
processing system!

It _could_ be Big Iron. But, he's on the C ng so it's probably not, or
it would be CICS ( "Get your CICS, on IBM 666")v

The OP never mentioned transaction, the OP was discussing doing a
million "==" or ">" operations a second.

There are a number of embedded systems where you do rather more
processing than that, for example real time video processing. Depending
on what is being done it could be on a processor that is only running at
a few MHz.


Mark Gordon said:
The OP never mentioned transaction, the OP was discussing doing a
million "==" or ">" operations a second.

There are a number of embedded systems where you do rather more
processing than that, for example real time video processing. Depending
on what is being done it could be on a processor that is only running at
a few MHz.

Wow! You win. I was wrong.

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