benefits of open-source. One of the goals of the GPL is to ensure
that anyone can run, modify, and redistribute GPL licensed code as
long as they accept and execute the terms of the license. In order to
That's kind of a facile argument. One could as easily say that anyone
can run, modify, and redistribute ANY code as long as one accepts and
executes the terms of the license under which it is distributed. A
Microsoft EULA can be inserted into that sentence -- as long as you
abide by the EULA's restrictions and the requirements of copyright law,
you may run, modify, and redistribute the software according to those
In the case of the Microsoft EULA, you can run it if you've paid for it,
modify it if you get Microsoft's permission, and distribute if you
haven't actually opened the packaging. In the case of the GPL, you can
run it if you have it in your possession, modifiy it if you have the
source code, and distribute it if you have the source code and are
willing and able to provide source code immediately or (at the
receiver's option) up to three years afterward.
As a user, I WANT to be able to re-build the software I use. If
someone offers something without the cooresponding software, I'm leery
of using it.
So am I. That's sorta beside the point of whether it's a good idea to
enforce source code distribution.
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
Section C allows one to proxy the source code availability for
non-commercial code, for a "little guy" who didn't build his program
using GPL source code. GPLV3 has the same language.
. . and if you receive a free Ubuntu CD, it sits on your shelf for a
few months after you've installed it, and you have a friend that is then
interested in trying out this Linux thing, you can give it to him. He,
on the other hand, either needs to track down the source code or burn
the CD, rather than just pass on the CD to someone else. So much for
The controversial provisions of GPL3 have nothing to do with the
requirement to provide all source of GPL licensed code with derivative
works (which has always been part of GPL), they have to do with
restrictions on the use of GPL code to implement things like DRM.
However, one is free to continue to offer code based on GPL2 licensed
code. One does need to read the license on code you are using
carefully. Most GPL licensed software licenses it under GPL2 OR any
later version, which allows interpretation using GPL2, but you need to
look for language which either explicitly licenses under GPL3
(probably not much since it's still in draft) or which has wording to
the effect that it's licensed under the latest approved version of the
The "don't use the GPL if you don't like it" argument doesn't in any way
prove the GPL is any better. It just hinders code reuse. It's
irrelevant to whether or not the GPL is a good license.
According to the Free Software Foundation's list of Four Freedoms:
* The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0).
* The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your
needs (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
* The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor
(freedom 2).
* The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements
to the public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3). Access
to the source code is a precondition for this.
. . makes at least two things very clear:
1. The GPL materially violates the third freedom ("Freedom 2"),
because it restricts one's ability to distribute copies of a program
under certain, by no means rare, circumstances. Instead, one must
jump through procedural hoops or expend resources to get the software
into the hands of a recipient.
2. The FSF is definitely more interested in "freedom" than "rights".
Yes, possession of source code is necessary for the "freedom" to
modify the source code, if by "freedom" you also mean "ability" rather
than just freedom from legal restrictions. No, possession of source
code is not in any way necessary to have the *right* to modify source
code in your possession, and no, forcing someone to distribute source
code does not grant anyone any extra rights -- in fact, it limits the
rights of the would-be distributor, telling him he cannot dispose of
what he has in his possession as he sees fit.
I really don't see any particular need to continue pursuing this
discussion on this list. It's pretty irrelevant to Ruby. It would be
nice if, just once, a GPL advocate would admit that what I'm saying here
is true -- rather than trying to snowball people with phrases like "You
have the freedom to avoid GPL code," or "You aren't as free if you don't
have the source code," or something like that. It's a little like the
arguments for communism that go something like "How can you be free if
you don't have the freedom to make use of someone else's money?" or
whatever's in vogue these days. There are valid arguments for both
communism and the GPL -- but arguments like the above don't qualify.
A useful, valid response to my initial statements about the GPL, to the
effect that I'm more concerned with the restrictions the GPL places on
me than the so-called freedoms, would be to say that you're more
concerned with the restrictions on the distribution of source code that
exist without a license like the GPL than with the restrictions *of* the
GPL. Trying to claim the GPL doesn't really restrict you in any
meaningful way, or that the restrictions are for my own good, don't cut
it -- as I've tried to point out.
All you really need to do to refute my argument is tell me that you
reject the idea that I have a right to dispose of what's in my
possession as I see fit. I'll disagree, but at least it will be clear
there's no common ground, which is a better outcome than trying to
convince me that somehow the GPL's restrictions on how I dispose of
what's in my possession actually frees me from restrictions on how I
dispose of what's in my possession.