So would it be so awful to have Tkinter and GUI2 (whatever it is) in
the stdlib, assuming that both had equivalent functionality? That
would be the way to give people the choice.
There's some slight precedent, in that the stdlib does offer more then
one "xml" library -- from the suck of minidom, to sax, to elementtree.
Then again they all sort of address slightly different domains of
problems related to xml. Then there's urllib/urllib2 -- but usually, if
one library duplicates the intent of another, they only co-exist until
such time as the old one can Go Away. (Exactly how long that is,
depends: some 'to go away' libraries can survive a very long time due to
major usage).
That said, I'd be worried about--
But it does imply that GUI2 is not too huge, to prevent excessive
bloat (is that a tautology?).
When you factor in dependencies, it might be a lot. Then again, it might
not. Not counting dependencies, PyGUI seems reasonably sized -- the
other major GUI's? Way too big.
Other interesting comments: licencing. Can anyone give a concise
summary of whether the 'major' GUIs have any insuperable licencing
problems that would rule them out anyway? Programming is hard enough
without lawyers.
wxPython (and its dependency, wxWidgets) has a custom license, but its
very Python-like. Meaning, its essentially 'do whatever you want, open,
closed, commercial, charity, whatever'.
QT is LGPL -- and although you can technically include LGPL stuff in
non-[L]GPL libs, I don't think its policy in Python to allow it. It
creates a burden / obligation.
PyQT is GPL, so impossible to include at all. PySide, Nokia's answer to
PyQt not changing their licensing terms when Nokia acquired TrollTech,
is LGPL. Technically possible, but I don't think its allowable.
PyGTK is LGPL. Same issues: and this raises a question with regards to
PyGUI, which uses pygtk on linux to create its UI.
I don't remember what other UI libs are out there.
I might be wrong on the LGPL policy bit. But the only stuff I'm aware of
that Python bundles (i.e., zlib, sqlite) have the permissive 'do
whatever' type of license. I don't believe Python wants to create a
situation where any burden is placed on someone who embeds it.
Stephen Hansen
... me+list/python (AT) ixokai (DOT) io
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