Handling 3 operands in an expression without raising an exception

  • Thread starter Îίκος
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Neil Cerutti


To be clear, Mark, you are calling for ?????????? to be tortured to death
with a red hot poker, yes?

I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that such a suggestion is
outside what people generally consider acceptable on this list.

It's reassuring that even a guy like Nikos has his White Knights.

Chris Angelico

It's reassuring that even a guy like Nikos has his White Knights.

Ahoy! Ahoy! Check!

Actually, it's more that even those of us who will put him down
verbally don't actually want to see him tortured to death. I've
strongly recommended that he either shape up or ship out (learn to
code or get out of programming as a business), but that doesn't in any
way mean I would rejoice at his death.

But he is annoying. Very annoying. And I completely understand the
frustration that leads people to want him to suffer great pain.


Neil Cerutti

Ahoy! Ahoy! Check!

Actually, it's more that even those of us who will put him down
verbally don't actually want to see him tortured to death. I've
strongly recommended that he either shape up or ship out (learn to
code or get out of programming as a business), but that doesn't in any
way mean I would rejoice at his death.

This makes perfect sense. It's be sort of like being one of the
police in Dallas protecting Oswald; it's from a sense of duty,
rather than a generally sincere love.
But he is annoying. Very annoying. And I completely understand
the frustration that leads people to want him to suffer great

I don't want him to suffer great pain, but it would please me if
it were possible to annoy him in some way. Like maybe with the
sound of a mosquito. BZZZZ! BzzzzzZZZZZ!

Mark Lawrence

But what if you don't want to use the train, but cycle all the way?
There _must_ be a way of cycling through the tunnel...

There is but all the illegal immigrants who use it won't tell us about
it :)

Mark Lawrence

Nick, you have now spent 4 days arguing over a minor coding problem that
you were given solutions to on the first day, primarily because you feel
that the solutions you are being offend some programming aesthetic you

I suggest that it's time for you to re-evaluate what you want from this
ng, and indeed what language you want to code in if your perl "minimal
code possible" aesthetic is so important to you.

If you want good python code, then stop telling everyone here that their
working solutions are wrong and should be more like your dysfunctional
code, and use the solutions you are given.

If you want to write minimalist perl code, then stop using python and use

In either case, you need to stop arguing with people who are offering you
solutions to your problems solely based on the fact that you don't like
their coding styles.

You are the one who comes here asking for solutions. Either accept the
solutions you are offered, or stop asking for them.


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