hashing strings to integers for sqlite3 keys


Chris Angelico

But I know that Python is a high-level language with
lots of high-level data structures like dicts which trade-off time and
memory for programmer convenience, and that I'd want to see some real
benchmarks proving that my application was too slow before giving up that
convenience with a complicated strategy like this.

And they trade off that time and memory on the basis of X years of
development expertise. A while ago (about ten years or so, now... wow,
that's quite a while) I wrote a C++ program that needed an
ever-growing array; for simplicity, I went with a very basic system of
doubling the size every time, from a base of something like 1024 or
8192. (Note that it was storing and moving around only pointers, so
it's comparable to Python's list.) That means it has an average 25%
slack space at all times, more until its first allocation, and every
now and then it has a huge job of copying a pile of pointers into a
new array. (Imagine it's now at 16777216 and it needs to add the
16,777,217th string to the array. Bye-bye CPU caches.) These
boundaries became *user-visible pauses*, fortunately at predictable
points, but on a not-terrible computer it could cause a >1s pause just
copying heaps of pointers. How do you think a Python list will
perform, under the same workload (periodic appending of single strings
or small groups of strings, very frequent retrieval based on index -
probably about a 20:1 read:write ratio)? Not only would it be far more
convenient, it's probably going to outperform my hand-rolled code -
unless I'm so brilliant (or lucky) that I can stumble to something as
good as can be achieved with years of dedicated development. Yeah, I
don't think so.

Same goes for hashing algorithms. I can at least boast that I've never
written one of those... although I have several times written a binary
tree of one form or another, in order to provide comparable features
to a dict. And once again, now that I know how convenient and
performant high level languages can be (which may or may not have been
true 15 years ago, but I certainly didn't know it), I don't rewrite
what can be done better by just tossing in a couple of curly braces
and saying "here, map this to that".


Adam Funk

So far so good. That applies to all objects, not just strings.

But presumably you have to keep the string around anyway. It's going to
be somewhere, you can't just throw the string away and garbage collect
it. The dict doesn't store a copy of the string, it stores a reference to
it, and extra references don't cost much.

In the case where I did something like that, I wasn't keeping copies
of the strings in memory after hashing (& otherwise processing them).
I know that putting the strings' pointers in the set is a light memory

[snipping the rest because...]

You've convinced me. Thanks.

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