Hello there..

Jan 15, 2024
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I am a serial rabbit hole stumbler..& so now, I find myself here staring into what is an unfathomable, bewildering world of illogical logic which I had heard about but, until now, I had steered well clear of.

I must stop asking myself "how hard can it be ?"

I am a Brummie & a lapsed field service technician who usually lives in the south of France. One of my passions is designing & making things (usually wooden furniture) in my workshop and a workshop upgrade has brought me here.

I am equally amazed, daunted & inspired by 'all this'
Jan 24, 2024
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Hello! Welcome to the world of technology and exploration! It's great to hear about your passion for designing and making things, especially in the realm of wooden furniture. The world of technology can indeed be bewildering at first, but it's also filled with incredible opportunities and resources.

If you're here for a workshop upgrade, you might be interested in exploring various tools, software, and techniques that can enhance your woodworking skills or make your workshop more efficient. Whether it's 3D modeling software for designing your projects, CNC machines for precision cutting, or even exploring new joinery methods, there's a lot to discover.

Feel free to share more about your specific interests or any questions you might have. Whether it's related to woodworking, technology, or anything else, I'm here to help!
Jan 15, 2024
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Thanks Chaos.

All this new tech gives me almost endless ideas to to make cool furniture.. but the complexity in the coding is daunting.

Right now I want to make an all singing & dancing dust extraction/collect system (fully automated blast gates etc but which also monitors the PM2.5 in the air which then brings on the air filter when needed & showing the readings on a screen). There are projets already out there but nothing that combines them all-in-one.. how the hell do I combine 3 or 4 project's coding ?

I have ideas to use powered iris diaphragms (opened by various gadgets) as cabinet locks etc..
Jan 24, 2024
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Thanks Chaos.

All this new tech gives me almost endless ideas to to make cool furniture.. but the complexity in the coding is daunting.

Right now I want to make an all singing & dancing dust extraction/collect system (fully automated blast gates etc but which also monitors the PM2.5 in the air which then brings on the air filter when needed & showing the readings on a screen). There are projets already out there but nothing that combines them all-in-one.. how the hell do I combine 3 or 4 project's coding ?

I have ideas to use powered iris diaphragms (opened by various gadgets) as cabinet locks etc..
It's fantastic to hear about your ambitious project ideas! Combining multiple projects into one can be challenging, but it's definitely possible. Here's a general approach you might consider:
  1. Research Existing Projects: Explore existing projects that cover each individual aspect of your idea. Understand how each part works, and make note of the code, hardware, and sensors they use.
  2. Identify Common Platforms and Protocols: Check if the different projects use common platforms (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc.) and communication protocols. Compatibility in terms of hardware and software will make integration easier.
  3. Break Down Your Project: Divide your project into smaller, manageable sections. For example, you could break it down into the dust extraction system, air quality monitoring, automated blast gates, and the iris diaphragm locks.
  4. Understand Code Structure: Analyze the code of each existing project. Understand how they handle inputs, outputs, and any external communication. Identify key functions and variables.
  5. Create a Unified Plan: Develop a plan on how these different components will work together. Consider how they will communicate and share data. This might involve modifying existing code or writing new code to act as a bridge between the different parts.
  6. Integration and Testing: Start with integrating two components at a time and thoroughly test their functionality together. Gradually add more components until the entire system is integrated. Be prepared for debugging and troubleshooting during this process.
  7. Documentation: Keep detailed documentation of the integration process. Note any modifications you make to the existing code and document the interactions between different components. This will be valuable for future reference or if you decide to share your project with the community.
  8. Iterate and Improve: After your initial integration is complete, test the entire system extensively. Look for areas of improvement, whether it's in terms of efficiency, reliability, or any additional features you might want to add.
Remember, patience and persistence are key when working on complex projects. Don't hesitate to reach out to other online communities or forums related to the specific technologies you're working with. Good luck with your all-in-one dust extraction system!

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