Patrick TJ McPhee scribbled something along the lines of:
I wasn't talking about the nitpicking in this discussion, which does not
exist (stating the truth can hardly be called nitpicking).
Let me rephrase:
"The question I might be asking is, why does it matter whether an
attribute [..]?"
You answered that now.
I did not intend to criticize that you guys were defending a fact, I
only said it'd have shortened it a little if you had fully explained why
my perecption was wrong and what was right from the start. Also it
wouldn't have made me end up looking like a total standards-ignorant retard.
Give me a break, you're saying the difference between a prefixed and an
unprefixed attribute is that the prefixed one has a namespace and the
unprefixed one does not, but both get interpreted in the context of the
element? So how does <x:foo x:bar="1" bar="2"/> have any reason to exist?
What is the point of giving a local attribute a prefix? I'm not
questioning it, I just don't understand.
So you too think <x:foo x:bar="qux"/> with bar being a local attribute
is a waste of markup?
What's the point of DTDs when working with namespaces? Doesn't that
pretty much defeat the purpose? I mean, other ways to reference entity
lists could be worked out and maybe some kind of schema catalog as well.
Won't schemas be used in favor of DTDs?
Isn't using French accents as quotation marks typographically incorrect
-- or have I totally misread something?
Imagine someone was reading Usenet messages with a TTS converter -- I
wonder how that would sound.
% <snip/>
% > The question you might be asking is why would it be useful for the
% > attribute to be in the namespace of its containing element?
% The question I might be asking is why all the nitpicking of whether an
% attribute is a namespace or only interpreted in the namespace of its
% containing element if the only thing that apparently is attempted to be
Because it makes a difference at the processing level. If you process an
XML file, you take name spaces into account, and you want to process the
file correctly, then it matters how unprefixed attributes are handled.
The reason for `all the nitpicking' is that you repeatedly insisted that
your totally incorrect interpretation was correct. For instance, based on
your advice, it would be impossible to write a correct XSL transformation
involving attributes.
I wasn't talking about the nitpicking in this discussion, which does not
exist (stating the truth can hardly be called nitpicking).
Let me rephrase:
"The question I might be asking is, why does it matter whether an
attribute [..]?"
You answered that now.
I did not intend to criticize that you guys were defending a fact, I
only said it'd have shortened it a little if you had fully explained why
my perecption was wrong and what was right from the start. Also it
wouldn't have made me end up looking like a total standards-ignorant retard.
% Having a namespace or not should not be what makes an attribute local or
% global.
And it isn't. _Every_ attribute is intepreted in the context of the
containing element -- not of its namespace, but of the element itself.
Even if the attribute has a namespace, its meaning can be tied to the
element of which it's a part. As it happens, the interpretation of
certain elements is fairly uniform, and attributes with namespaces
lead the way, but whether an attribute is `local' or `global' depends
entirely on how you use it.
Give me a break, you're saying the difference between a prefixed and an
unprefixed attribute is that the prefixed one has a namespace and the
unprefixed one does not, but both get interpreted in the context of the
element? So how does <x:foo x:bar="1" bar="2"/> have any reason to exist?
What is the point of giving a local attribute a prefix? I'm not
questioning it, I just don't understand.
% If we went by that rule, we should drop namespace defaulting altogether
% and declare unqualified elements as to be interpreted in the context of
% their parent element. Tada, local elements.
From a processing perspective, you can do this. You'll have a problem
validating against a DTD if you want to include parts of a DTD with
name conflicts, and of course that's the sort of problem namespaces
were meant to resolve. You don't typically have naming conflicts
with attributes, so you might ask yourself why it would be useful
for the attribute to be in the namespace of its containing element.
So you too think <x:foo x:bar="qux"/> with bar being a local attribute
is a waste of markup?
What's the point of DTDs when working with namespaces? Doesn't that
pretty much defeat the purpose? I mean, other ways to reference entity
lists could be worked out and maybe some kind of schema catalog as well.
Won't schemas be used in favor of DTDs?
Isn't using French accents as quotation marks typographically incorrect
-- or have I totally misread something?
Imagine someone was reading Usenet messages with a TTS converter -- I
wonder how that would sound.