Ray at
Mike said:The best way i learn this basic stuff is by knowing the answer (ie seeing a
working script) so I can see
where its wrong and work backwards.
Fair enough. :]
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Option Explicit
Dim iMsg, sBody
'''sBody wasn't dimmed before. It must be dimmed
'''when using Option Explicit. (Using Option Explicit
'''is a GOOD habit. I suggest you continue using it.)
'''x was not dimmed either.
Dim x
For Each x in request.form
sBody = sBody & x & " = " & request.form(x) & vbCrLf
'''You now have a variable that contains the form data separated by line
'''Concatenate IP address:
sBody = sBody & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
'''Now your body is ready, create your e-mail object
Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
iMsg.To = (e-mail address removed)
iMsg.Subject = "This is the Subject"
iMsg.From = "Me (e-mail address removed)"
'''For the body text, you want to use the variable from above
iMsg.TextBody = sBody
'Response.Redirect "/thank_you.htm"
'Response.REdirect is commented out. It's best not to redirect
'until you know everything's working well.
'For the sake of seeing what's going on, let's response.write the value
'of that sBody variable.
Response.Write sBody
'Note that vbCrLf is just a line break. Everything will appear
'on one line in the browser, but that's because a Web page would
'need <br> for line breaks. You don't care if it's displayed all
'in one line in the browser. A view-source will show it to you
'the same way that you will (hopefully) see it in an e-mail.
Ray at work