Help with Ruby under cygwin


Peter Pk

I deliberately removed GEM_HOME and tried it again and it still
installed in /usr/bin/ruby

When I explicitly set it to /usr/local/lib it went into the right place.
It is possible that the setup.rb cached the prior GEM_HOME when it did
it's "configure" phase.

So it seems the only reliable way to make an explicit, accurate,
installation script is to explicity define GEM_HOME as part of the
procedure. Since "setup" isn't explicitly asking for the items and/or
showing the current settings and asking "Y" or "N" to continue. ie: like
a debian install script.

Chris Lowis

Sorry I can't be of much more help. Two quick thoughts:

i) Is there any reason you want to use rubygems 0.8.11 ? The current
version is 1.2.0 :

ii) If you want a simple install of ruby for you and your colleagues
to use (principally with rake in mind), could you not just use the one-
click installer ? ( I
think it comes with rake, and several other gems, pre-installed.


Peter Pk

i) ooops - I must have used a stale link somewhere :)
my problems could all have been fixed bugs !!!
Thanks for the slap !

ii) we use cygwin so we have a similar environment on the 'nix boxes and
XP Pcs. and have been using gnu-make for some old scripts, and have
bash and perl scripts and the like that run on both, we also use
open-ssh scp rsync wget etc. the path difference between the two
complicates things. My plan was to test both.

It seems like packaging everything for a "one command" cygwin/ruby
install (unzip this to temp, do "bash ruby ./setup.rb" is a fairly easy
way. I already have a pre-downloaded maintained .zip of cygwin that is
"install from local directory" ready.

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