Hi, everyone i am beginner on this language anyone who wants to give an advice or mention a course for me or anything i appreciate that .

Dec 29, 2023
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Hi, everyone i am beginner on this language anyone who wants to give an advice or mention a course for me or anything i appreciate that .
Jul 20, 2023
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Hi, everyone i am beginner on this language anyone who wants to give an advice or mention a course for me or anything i appreciate that .
I started with youtube videos by coding with mosh. Hes pretty good. I watched his beginner courses on python then his full course on python but honestly if you move on to his full python coarse which is several hours long, I would watch up to the OOP (Object Oriented Programming). Learn Classes, objects and attributes and all that and then I would halt on that video for a bit. He goes into modules like Django and stuff for creating websites which is great. If thats a strong interest of yours then absolutely keep going. But I think its really important to spend some real time on the fundamentals of programming and OOP is kinda the final but biggest hump to get over when it comes to intermediate Python programming. It takes some practice and some dedicated time to really figure it out. I find the best way to make learning these things is by making it fun. And that for me has always been by making games. And I always try to make them look pretty rather than just printing line after line. Space them out. Make it readable and understandable. Make it interactive with menus and stuff. And going back to the OOP. What definitely helped me understand this the best was making games in pygame. Which if you dont know is a python module that helps you create graphical interface games. Where I learned the most about this was from a book I bought called Python Crash Course 3rd edition (was only around $15 I think) by Eric Matthes where he walks you through building an alien Invasion style game. He gives you free resources on the website for images and you can even download his code. This was a great book that helped me alot. I definitely recommend it. Look it up on amazon or whatever. Make sure you get the 3rd edition if so, thats the latest update. It also goes into many other modules like Matplotlib, Django, and more which honestly I am still yet to move on to. Im just building my skill where Im at for now. But again keep it interesting and fun. If website building and web aps is your thing then go that direction. For me I love making games both console style and graphical style.
Youtube is great for learning but its not very structured. You have to try and structure it yourself. Pick one or a couple of guys that you like and watch their beginner videos then intermediate and so on. Even still it ends up jumping all over the place. You end up seeing a lot of stuff that is just way beyond you at that point. But still a few other youtubers I like are Tech with Tim, Bro Code, and Clear Code. Theres a lot I like but I would put them at the top. Im also thinking about purchasing Tech with Tims full course at ProgrammingExpert.IO which does seam really great but honestly I should finish the courses and projects I have in front of me right now first. Also there are several websites that you can always go to to reference a particular built in function, keyword, or statement but my favorite by far is W3schools.com. I would check out that page and bookmark it ASAP. Oh and here. Forums are great to get help if your stuck on something or just have a basic question. I remember many many years ago there seamed to be a lot more people that basically lived on these forums always ready to answer a question but these days there are still always at least a few. Welcome and have fun.
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