Weng Tianxiang
Actually, I'm not certain the code you show (that I got from the
Lattice Logic Block Editor) is exactly the same as my VHDL
description. For them to match, the latch enable would have to have
priority over the reset and that is not a very normal feature in a
case CombReg is
when '0' =>
if (C01 = '1') then
Comb <= '0';
elsif (C02 = '1') then
Comb <= '1';
-- Here an assignment statement is missing, but it doesn't
-- generate latch. It is treated as a null statement. -Weng
end if;
when others =>
Comb <= '1';
end case;
Notice that once the latch is set to a '1' in the VHDL, there is no
way to clear it. When CombReg is a '1', the "others" clause of the
case is executed which only allows it to be a '1'. The async clear
can only be asserted when CombReg is a '0'. Of course, Comb and
CombReg are not the same signals, so there is a window between the
latch being set and the Register output going high where the latch can
be reset by C01.
There are only four inputs to this logic function "Comb". A LUT4 can
implement ***ANY*** logic function of 4 inputs. So there certainly is
a way to implement the above VHDL in a single LUT4. In fact, you
don't even need the latch.
Comb <= CombReg or (C02 and not C01) or (Comb and not C01);
If you want to use the built in Latch in the FPGA, then I guess you
have to use a LUT4 to generate the enable and another to generate the
data (or async clear).
Enable <= CombReg or C01 or C02;
DataIn <= CombReg or not C01;
There is no savings by only using 2 of the 4 inputs on a LUT4 but
there is some advantage to using the reset input to a Latch. I think
it may avoid potential race conditions when only one input switches.
My logic will have some problems, for example CombReg = 0, C02 = 0 and
C01 = 1. Bring C01 low and it will either stay clear or set the latch
depending on which of the two paths are faster. Hmmm, maybe the tools
aren't so stupid after all. In essence, they are using the enable as
a set and the async reset as a... well, a reset!
Actually it is not the fault of Lattice, but of your VHDL code.
In your example,
case CombReg is
when '0' =>
if (C01 = '1') then
Comb <= '0';
elsif (C02 = '1') then
Comb <= '1';
-- Here an assignment statement is missing, but it doesn't
-- generate latch. It is treated as a null statement. -Weng
end if;
when others =>
Comb <= '1'; <-- lock here by VHDL, not by Lattice compiler
end case;
Process_1 : process(RESET, CLK)
if (RESET = '1') then
LatchReg <= '0';
CombReg <= '0';
elsif (rising_edge(CLK)) then
LatchReg <= Latch;
CombReg <= Comb; <-- lock here by VHDL, not by Lattice
end if;
end process;