how can I obtain parentheses in an ordered list?


Adrienne Boswell

I've heard of the little end and the big end, but which is the rounded

One of the ends is more pointed than the other, that would be the little

Ben C

One of the ends is more pointed than the other, that would be the little

Correct, but which is the "rounded" end?

Eggs certainly come little-end-up in the box.

Toby A Inkster

Adrienne said:
Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator in the carton they were
packed in.

Mrs Beeton, who I regard as somewhat of an authority on most things
culinary, says that eggs should be stored in a cool, dry place. In
the UK, that describes pretty much anywhere indoors. (In contrast
with the outdoors, which is cold and wet most days.)

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
Contact Me ~
Geek of ~ HTML/CSS/Javascript/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python*/Apache/Linux

* = I'm getting there!


Adrienne Boswell said:
According to Hormel <>:
Many refrigerators provide storage for eggs in special units
in the door, but this is not the ideal place for storing eggs because
the temperature fluctuates so much in the door when it is opened and

But the door is mostly closed and when open, fairly briefly, so
this is not a particularly good and practical reason not to use
the door.


Toby A Inkster said:
Mrs Beeton, who I regard as somewhat of an authority on most things
culinary, says that eggs should be stored in a cool, dry place. In
the UK, that describes pretty much anywhere indoors. (In contrast
with the outdoors, which is cold and wet most days.)

In my old English school they had a cool-room, it was freezing in
there just from being in a dark ground floor sunless part of a
huge solid castle of a building and the fly-screen guarded window
always being open (there was no glass anyway), both summer and
winter. Ice-cream was happily kept in there.

Joe (GKF)

It helps a lot if eggs are refrigerated over here. I have had so
many not altogether fresh ones from supermarkets for this very
reason. I twigged when I started buying eggs from the butchers!
(For you left wing, lettuce munchers, a butcher shop is always
Hey! I'm a leftie, but Big Sam Kekovitch is my hero. I credit him with
putting the final nails in the coffin of Tom Cruise's career.

But you might be right about putting the googs in the fridge, and it's a
good idea to support your local butcher and green-grocer.
We grow our own cackle-berries here on the farm so we know they're
fresh. Pictures of the factory at


usenet200701 said:
I tend to refrigerate them when I get home, but that's mostly because if I
put them in the cupboard something heavy could easily fall onto them. In
the fridge door, I don't have to worry about that.
Actually, the fridge door is a terrible place to keep your eggs because
they get shaken up each time the door is opened or closed. They don't
like being kept on top of the fridge either, because you get vibration
from the motor.

The best place, given reasonable temperatures (ie; NOT the 45C I am
'enjoying' today) is in a bowl on the bench or in a cupboard. Next is in
the fridge but only for convenience sake, and not in the door.


Joe said:
Actually, the fridge door is a terrible place to keep your eggs because
they get shaken up each time the door is opened or closed.
The best place, given reasonable temperatures (ie; NOT the 45C I am
'enjoying' today) is in a bowl on the bench or in a cupboard.

Generally, especially in summer here and especially if you are
going to have them around a while, fridge is best place.
Vibration-in-door eh? Well, how violent are you? I guess after a
day out on the tractor in this heat and you are going to be non
too gentle grabbing that beer...

Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed dorayme
But the door is mostly closed and when open, fairly briefly, so
this is not a particularly good and practical reason not to use
the door.

Not in my house... I have a three year old who opens the door and stands
there trying to figure out what he can get. Thankfully, mine starts
beeping if it's been open too long.


But the door is mostly closed and when open, fairly briefly, so
this is not a particularly good and practical reason not to use
the door.

Not in my house... I have a three year old who opens the door and stands
there trying to figure out what he can get. Thankfully, mine starts
beeping if it's been open too long. [/QUOTE]


al jones

Hey! I'm a leftie, but Big Sam Kekovitch is my hero. I credit him with
putting the final nails in the coffin of Tom Cruise's career.

But you might be right about putting the googs in the fridge, and it's a
good idea to support your local butcher and green-grocer.
We grow our own cackle-berries here on the farm so we know they're
fresh. Pictures of the factory at

Damn, did you ever get me side tracked!!! How about sending a kilo of those
dried 'cots up to the states, eh??



Pierre Trochu said:
how can I obtain parentheses in an ordered list?

With javascrip it may be possible to simulate a list. Without javascrip
or css the list would default back to a decimal list.

There may be an undesirable display if a user disables javascript and
then disables css after the page loads. The question would be if that
would be a acceptable risk for any user to toggles javascript and css
on and off.


Ben C said:
news: (e-mail address removed)
Eggs should be stored with the rounded end pointed up in order to
keep the air cell on top and to help keep the yolk centered in the

I've heard of the little end and the big end, but which is the
rounded end?

One of the ends is more pointed than the other, that would be the
little end.

Correct, but which is the "rounded" end?

Eggs certainly come little-end-up in the box.

Ever wonder which end comes out of the chicken first?
BootNic Wednesday, February 07, 2007 1:38 PM

Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard
to sleep after.
*Anne Morrow Lindbergh*
Mar 22, 2022
Reaction score
ol {
counter-reset: orderedList;
list-style: none;
ol li:before {
content: counter(orderedList) ") ";
counter-increment: orderedList;

Mar 11, 2022
Reaction score
Unfortunately there is nor relyable solution out there yet. (At least no crossbrowser solution)
But i guess we all wait for the new browsergenerations with the new CSS implementations.



Solution is the best so far

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