how do APIs such as Google get around the Ajax sandbox?


Lawrence Krubner

Almost invariably, they use the so called "script tag hack". There's
currently no better way to do it. The idea is:

1.- Create and insert in your page an empty <script> tag whose .src
contains the parameters:

e.g. script.src= "

2.- The server extracts the paramenters, processes the request and
formats the answer as a json text :

e.g. {'cityName': 'Some City'}

3.- Note that the client is expecting a <script>. A script gets
executed inmediatly after arriving, and it does so at the global
context. So, for example, assigning the json text to a global variable
would do, and this would be a valid <script> to send back:

mapsResponse= {'cityName': 'Some City'};

4.- At the client-side, the data becomes accessible as the global var

This is the idea. Data travels encapsulated in scripts, because the
scripts are not subject to the same origin policy. The example above
makes (I hope) it easy to grasp the whole process, although, the truth
is that passing the returned data to a global var as above is not the
most convenient way to do it. Using a callback function is much

1.- Create and insert in your page a <script> tag whose .src contains
the parameters:

e.g. script.src= "

Note the last parameter "callBack=callBackFuncitonName". It tells the
server that we want to have the returned data passed to the function

2.- The server extracts the parameters, processes the request and
respond with a script like this :

callBackFuncitonName({'cityName': 'Some City'});

3.- At the client side, when the script finally arrives it gets
automatically executed (in the global context), IOW, the function
callBackFuncitonName() gets called and receives the data as a

Obviously, the callback must be accesible from the global context.
Most of the times you'll find yourself attaching the callBack to your
apps' global object: myApp.mapsThings.callBack() or something like
that. Just pass the "fully qualified name" to the server:

Thanks much for all the excellent advice. I wrote it up on my blog and
linked back to your example:


Error: commentCounts is not defined

Is that because the other page hasn't loaded yet

Yes, most likely.

You need to write a "wait" function to monitor the "commentCounts"
var, as it will take a while until it actually gets filled with the
data. See my example (and read the comments in the source code !).


I'm looking at this tutorial here:

I'm wondering if this is the correct way to add in the script tag?

var myscript = document.createElement('script');
myscript.src = '';

Does the code get executed, when you do this?


But, Lawrence, look, the script tag hack is a thing. But the way in
which it hands the data to your page is another, different, thing.

The script can put (silently) the data in a global var. If that's the
case, you need to write a watch function that monitors that var until
you find that the data is actually there.

varName = dataValue;

Or, but, if the script is written as a callback, it will call the
callback so you don't need to write such a watch function.


The latter is the preferred way, but both of them are good enough. In
your case you need to use the former, not the latter.


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