Dave Angel
Dear Programmers, I noticed a couple of typos in my previous message, so have now altered them thus :-
Dear Programmers,
As anticipated, it has not been to long before I have encountered further
Your first thread was about getting Beautiful Soup installed and
working. If you can successfully import it, you're ready for a new
thread, new subject line, etc.
Note the new thread's opener should be self-contained, meaning you
should mention the environment (version of BS, version of Python,
version of what OS), and your difficulty.
At the top of page 16 of 'Getting Started with Beautiful Soup" it
gives code to be input, whether to the Python or Windows command prompt I am not
My guess is that the book is now describing what goes in a program, not
at the "command prompts". A program is typically written in a text
file, not at the interpreter prompt, though experimentation is certainly
done there.
Once you have a program in a text file (usually with the extension .py),
you run it at the OS terminal prompt by typing:
python myprogram.py