Please do not quote backwards as this reduces readability.
Corey said:
So it sounds like you are saying that if you code to the standards then
there is no need to test in the different browsers? Is that realistic?
I would say so. Code to the standard, not to someone else's bugs. If some
particular browser can't hack standard code, the bug is with the browser,
not with your code. Unless you're coding something specific for some
closed userbase that you know will all be using the same environment, you
can't guarantee that they'll be visiting your site using the browsers
you've tested against.
Never break your project's code to fix a completely unrelated project's
problems: You're simply shifting the blame from the actual problem to the
users who didn't experience that problem to start with. Let unrelated
project fix it's own code.
I think we will always want to test in the different browsers. Even
with standards we could have slight variations in how those standards
are implemented - true?
True, but usually not major enough to change the content significantly,
especially if you're being smart and using ratios instead of hard values.
Now on this tangent, percentages are your friend, pixels are your enemy
when it comes to sizes; coding for a particular resolution is inheirently
flawed: You don't know what hardware, OS or window manager your visitors
are using, window elements and user preferences will often make windows
much smaller on the user-end than you think. Therefor, the only sane width
you can gaurantee is *NOT* 1024, it's not even 800. Forget 480. Try 0.
Webpages should be able to compress into a razor thin strip of a window and
still be reasonably usable, yet still be able to spread out and fill a
potentially infinitely wide window. Not everybody browses from a graphical
environment, some people browse from 15-character-wide phone screens, and
sooner or later someone's going to have a massively beautiful Apple Cinema
display with insanely small dot pitch the size of a coffee table...and want
to read a maximized web browser all the way across all five feet of it
without four feet of whitespace to the right of the content. So far, the
only two well-known websites I can think of that get the size assumption
right are Wikipedia and Slashdot.
Point of this tangent is if you even think you need a "best viewed at
X00xY00 resolution" disclaimer, you're trying to think you know better than
the user for their own needs: Don't do that!