How does this work?


Jim Carr

Upon entering the site with IE6, my clipboard
is erased and then disabled in all other Windows XP applications. Navigating
to another site returns clipboard functionality, but whatever was on the
clipboard before is lost.

If I disable running JavaScript on the page, the clipboard is unaffected.
Viewing the page in Firefox does not have this issue.

I think it might be the script below, which makes no sense to me (I don't
know much about JavaScript). Below that is the entire page in case there's
something else. Any assistance in understanding what is happening would be
appreciated. Comments on whether you think this is a security problem in IE
are welcome as well.

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<P align=center><A
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border="0"><IMG id=NewRelease alt="New Release"
src="'Future By Design' - Home_files/NewRelease.jpg" border=0></A> <A
href=" By Design/Long Journey Home Listen.html"><IMG
height=148 alt="Future By Design - Long Journey Home album cover"
src="'Future By Design' - Home_files/LJH%20Front%20Cover.jpg" width=148
border=0 longDesc="Future By Design - Long Journey Home album cover"></A>
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border="0"><IMG id=ClickToListen alt="Click To Listen"
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<TABLE id=table1 cellSpacing=7 cellPadding=7 width=*% border=0>
<TD class=neghead colSpan=2>FUTURE BY DESIGN - HOME</TD></TR>
<P class=neghead>JUST RELEASED!&nbsp;&nbsp; (01/10/06)</P></TD>
<TD width="1%" rowSpan=2><A
title="Future By Design - Long Journey Home album cover"
href=" By Design/Long Journey Home Listen.html"><IMG
height=255 alt="Click to listen"
src="'Future By Design' - Home_files/fbdljh_cover_c.jpg" width=255
href=" By Design/Long Journey Home Listen.html">Future
By Design - Long Journey Home</A></B>.&nbsp; Re-mastered with new
tracks and cover artwork, this album has something for everybody!
Mellow Drum 'n' Bass, Soul/Jazz, Breakbeat Jazz, House and Garage
mix together well on this 13 track release.&nbsp; This is a great
taster for some of the styles FBD will release, click <A
href=" By Design/Long Journey Home Listen.html">here</A>
to preview the tracks.&nbsp; The CD is available to buy through
PayPal on this site, or through <A
title="Order this item through e-bay."
<TD colSpan=2><STRONG>Future By Design</STRONG> is a record label
which produces various styles of (mainly) instrumental music. The
label focuses mainly on the "intelligent" and chill-out flavours of
dance music, in the styles of Drum 'n' Bass, House, Garage and
Electronica.&nbsp;These tracks are available on the <STRONG>Dominion
of Chill </STRONG>compilations.</TD></TR>
<TD colSpan=2><STRONG>Future By Design</STRONG>&nbsp;produces more
beat driven styles of music as an alternative to chill-out which are
available on the <STRONG>Kinetic Knowledge
<TD colSpan=2><STRONG>Future By Design</STRONG>&nbsp;also produces
Soul, Jazz and Hip-Hop instrumentals.&nbsp; These tracks are
available on the <STRONG>Urban Antidote</STRONG> compilations.</TD></TR>
<TD colSpan=2>As a concept the music produced by the label Future By
Design is aimed at people with "urban mindsets".&nbsp; In terms of
dance music, this label is about producing music for people to relax
to after a stressful day, something to help ease your mind of the
pressures of urban living.</TD></TR>
<TD colSpan=2>Future By Design is not a 21st take on "Simon says",
and the music is not about any kind of revolutionary change or
idealism.&nbsp; At most, the deeper intention behind some of the
tracks is to pose questions, to make people think, rather than
provide "I know it all" perfect solutions.</TD></TR>
<TD colSpan=2>To find out more about the ethos and purpose of the
label, please take the time to read the article -<STRONG> <A
href=" a deeper level.html">On
A Deeper Level</A>.</STRONG></TD></TR>
<TD colSpan=2>
<P class=negsection><STRONG>What's Available:</STRONG></P></TD></TR>
<TD colSpan=2>The labels first release is an album by the artist
By Design</A></STRONG>, is&nbsp;entitled <STRONG><A
href=" By Design/Long Journey Home Listen.html">Long
Journey Home</A></STRONG>. This is actually re-mastered re-release
of the album which was first released in 1998 and some of the
original reviews are available in the reviews section of this
site.&nbsp; You will find everything on this album, both chill-out
and dark Drum 'n' Bass, House, Garage, Soul/Jazz tracks.&nbsp;Read
the reviews, listen and make up your own mind.&nbsp; The CD release
will be available from October 1st, .mp3's will be available to
purchase individually online soon after.&nbsp; The CD's also
available via online ordering (typically shipping within seven
<TD colSpan=2>
<P class=negsection><STRONG>Other Stuff:</STRONG></P></TD></TR>
<TD colSpan=2>There are several releases planned for this label from
2007, Volume I of all three compilations (<STRONG>Dominion of
Chill</STRONG>, <STRONG>Kinetic Knowledge</STRONG>, and
<STRONG>Urban Antidote</STRONG>),<STRONG> </STRONG>will appear at
some stage in that year.&nbsp; Check back to this site to find out
the release dates, or join my <STRONG><A
List</A></STRONG>&nbsp;to be kept up to date with the latest news
from the label.</TD></TR>
<TD colSpan=2>Look out for a Christian record label called
<STRONG><A title="Christian music at Truth 'n' Joy"
href="">Truth 'n' Joy</A></STRONG>, and
an artist by the name of <STRONG><A
href="">DC:UL</A></STRONG> (Defy Convention:
Uphold Law).&nbsp; The <STRONG>Truth 'n' Joy</STRONG> label is my
outlet for Christian music, and <STRONG>DC:UL</STRONG> is my
Pseudonym for my Christian music.&nbsp; The aim of the label
<STRONG>Truth 'n' Joy</STRONG> is to try to bring a modern approach
and style&nbsp;to all forms of Christian
music.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><!-- #EndEditable --><!-- radio player
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<TABLE class=dltab id=dltab width="100%" border=1>
<TD width=170><A href=""><IMG height=73
alt="Messianic &amp; Christian discussion @ DC:UL" src="" width=170
longDesc="DC:UL is a website dedicated to Messianic Judaist and Christian
Community: Knowledge, Discussion, Lifestyle and Resources."></A></TD>
<TD class=doclinkslinks
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<TD width=170><A href=""><IMG height=73
alt="Christian Music @ Truth 'n' Joy"
src="'Future By Design' - Home_files/TAJ_Button.jpg" width=170
longDesc="Truth 'n' Joy is a label Christian Music, affiliated with Future
By Design"></A></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>
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forbidden.<BR>This includes, and is not limited to artwork, images,
writing, music copyright and playright.<BR>Please contact the copyright <A
href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=General query about
the Future By Design Web-Site.">owner</A>
in case of any queries.<BR>Please contact the <A
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About The Future By Design Web-Site">webmaster</A>
if you experience any difficulties using this
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Richard Cornford

Jim said:
Upon entering the site with IE6, my clipboard
is erased and then disabled in all other Windows XP applications. Navigating
to another site returns clipboard functionality, but whatever was on the
clipboard before is lost.

If I disable running JavaScript on the page, the clipboard is unaffected.
Viewing the page in Firefox does not have this issue.

I think it might be the script below, which makes no sense to me (I don't
know much about JavaScript). Below that is the entire page in case there's
something else. Any assistance in understanding what is happening would be

Internet explorer provides a scriptable ability to write to and read
from the clipboard (if a particular setting allows it). Scripts of this
type work by continually writing (an empty string) to the clipboard,
and so wipe anything that it already in the clipboard.
Comments on whether you think this is a security problem in IE
are welcome as well.

A script that can write to the clipboard can also read from it, which
probably is a security/privacy issue. However, there are probably legal
implications for a web site that sets about actively destroying data on
their visitor's computer without warning. It would be very difficult
for a web site operating such a script to defend a claim that their
script had had actively destroyed some valuable item of data as the
user tried to pass it through the clipboard, and so possibly become
liable to punitive damages.


Jim Carr

A script that can write to the clipboard can also read from it, which
probably is a security/privacy issue. However, there are probably legal
implications for a web site that sets about actively destroying data on
their visitor's computer without warning. It would be very difficult
for a web site operating such a script to defend a claim that their
script had had actively destroyed some valuable item of data as the
user tried to pass it through the clipboard, and so possibly become
liable to punitive damages.

I figured it was clearing the clipboard. I was trying to figure out how to
see the script in the clear. I found a way to do it by redirecting the
Document.Write call to PlainText. Sure enough, every 0.5 seconds it calls
Clipboard.ClearData. The Clipboard object is a Microsoft DHTML object only -
Firefox and Netscape don't have it. Figures, huh?

Now we know why IE7 changed the default security settings to Prompt on Paste
Operations (really, it's prompt on clipboard access). When you hit this guys
site you get stuck in a loop since the access happens every 1/2 second.

The guy still thinks there's nothing wrong with what he's doing.

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