Hopefully to put this off-topic "discussion" to a quick end:
The world (i.e. space) does not have to be two-dimensional for that to be
true. It only has to be governed by the rules of projective geometry.
Because they touch at infinity.
All other interconnections are crossings,
unless two lines are exact duplicates.
Because a two dimentional space is not a square where the distance
from here [origo] to the diagonal infinity is not farther away than the
horizontal or the vertical infinity.
Independent of that, why not?
Poster-1: In 16 dimensional space 2 + 4 = 23.
Poster-2: Why?
Poster-1: Why not?
It doesn't really convince does it?
Fallacy: Reductio ad absurdum.
Fallacy: Red herring.
Ad-hominem/genetic fallacy.
Yes. (See e.g. said:
The burden of proof is on the one making the assertion. Proving a
negative is often impossible but that doesn't mean the assertion is
true. I cannot prove that there isn't a pink whale in orbit around
Saturn but that doesn't mean there is.
ACK (observed fallacy: shifting the burden of proof).
Making them not touch could also be useful.
That looks like a naturalistic fallacy. Obviously the apparent "usefulness"
of something is not a suitable criterion to judge its existence or
A 2-dimensional world doesn't have to be a square, it could be a
pentagon or an octagon or a circle.
That would still be a limited space, which was the (so far poorly made)
point: If you are talking about infinities (as we did), then there are no
limits to the space, and you have to accept that there are geometries in
which parallel lines meet (any non-Euclidean geometry allows that, however,
e.g. meridians all meet at the poles), and at least one (projective
geometry) in which they meet at infinity.¹ Given that, in this geometry
*all* lines MUST meet in infinity (because the only alternative is that they
intersect before, which means they are not parallels). (Not so in Euclidean
geometry, which you are referring to.)
¹ One practical application of that is the description of perspective:
The sides of the road ahead, although we know that they are more or less
parallel to one another, look narrower under projection as farther they
are away, and appear to meet at some point of infinite distance to the
observer. See also the first image right-hand side at