It depends. Show us what you "know out", and we can tell. Of course,
in order for me to review your code, I need to be compensated. And,
no, a sample 200 lines won't do. You need to show us at least 2000 LOC
to make the review meaningful.
I asked here about a code review a year or two ago
and there were a couple of complaints because the
code was thousands of lines long. Anyway, there are
4,435 lines in the archive here -- .
991 of that is from a compression library that someone
else wrote and I've never had a problem with. 84 lines
are in a Readme file. That leaves 3,360 lines of code.
I agree with the comments about reworking code to make
it more concise. With G-d's help I've been able to
put a lot of time into that, and now that the code is
getting better, I find it's getting harder to ignore
some Microsoft warts in the code...
int result = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsa);
if (result != 0) {
throw failure("WSAStartup error is ") << result;
#if defined(CMW_WINDOWS)
#define poll WSAPoll
In another thread I mentioned how not being able to
use non-static data member initialization in class
declarations is another wart because of Microsoft.
I bring this up in the hope that someone will say
support for this has arrived or will arrive shortly.
About 5% of two of my programs amount to these warts.
If someone is interested in reviewing the code for
compensation, you would have to be willing to accept
about 80% of it in terms of an investment in my company.
We would have to agree on how much each suggestion is
worth. I can see that ranging from $20 to hundreds of
dollars. Keep in mind, I'm sometimes stubborn and
won't take a suggestion for years until it makes sense
to me that I should. I would do my best to let you
know of my change of mind in such cases. And keep in
mind that I'm already aware of some good suggestions.
For example, the library part of the code, in particular,
should be more consistent in terms of naming.
There's info about investing here -- .
And I'll add that you're not waiting for me to be
rewarded in terms of the list of investments. I've
invested lots of money and time in the company, but
I'm not on that list.
Ebenezer Enterprises