how much data can you pump into longblob from textarea?



and, i'm afraid you're too lazy to RTFM to be able to traceroute my
domain...u cur.

| I don't know who you are. I will open a ticket with your domain
| registrar for abuse, if you don't stop annoying me and others. Last
| warning.
| robert wrote:
| > you FUCKING TROLL !!!
| >
| > this is NOT a is a NEWS GROUP.
| >
| > if YOU don't know the answer, RTFM!!! i suspect you know your welcome
| > been warn out sense in you EVER coming back.
| >
| > now FOAD.
| >
| > | > | Again, if you don't know the answer, or want to -subordinate- others
| > | please don't use the network. It's not helpful and only increases the
| > | negative conditions across this part of the network. You can continue
| > | playing word volleyball now, but it isn't helpful and doesn't
| > | you as a good person, even if you really are. Dave
| > |


Again, if you don't know the answer, or want to -subordinate- others
please don't use the network. It's not helpful and only increases the
negative conditions across this part of the network. You can continue
playing word volleyball now, but it isn't helpful and doesn't represent
you as a good person, even if you really are. Dave

Could you please ensure that you provide some context when replying to
someone else's post.

Thank you.


Ok, I warned you. As a consequence I will open a ticket in the coming
days with, and you can explain how the person who
put the request in "was asking for it". Hopefully you will play nice
in the future and not stack these up.....


To further the education of mankind, (e-mail address removed) vouchsafed:
Again, if you don't know the answer, or want to -subordinate- others
please don't use the network. It's not helpful and only increases the
negative conditions across this part of the network. You can continue
playing word volleyball now, but it isn't helpful and doesn't represent
you as a good person, even if you really are. Dave

Well, I'm good in bed.

You sound like a Republican. And apparently you don't know the "rules" and
traditions of newsgroups in general, so you are speaking out of turn. Now
a bit of that is okay (-if you don't mind playing the fool,) but when it
becomes preachy, it kind of subordinates the interest-value of the group
and makes other users think that the group was established for backwards

So please be kind enough not abuse yourself and others here with your self-
righteous crap and patently juvenile attitude. Kids like you tend to make
people lose faith in family values and question just how equitable it
really is to give full rights to nitwits.



"Neredbojias" <> wrote in
message | To further the education of mankind, (e-mail address removed) vouchsafed:
| > Again, if you don't know the answer, or want to -subordinate- others
| > please don't use the network. It's not helpful and only increases the
| > negative conditions across this part of the network. You can continue
| > playing word volleyball now, but it isn't helpful and doesn't represent
| > you as a good person, even if you really are. Dave
| Well, I'm good in bed.
| You sound like a Republican. And apparently you don't know the "rules"
| traditions of newsgroups in general, so you are speaking out of turn. Now
| a bit of that is okay (-if you don't mind playing the fool,) but when it
| becomes preachy, it kind of subordinates the interest-value of the group
| and makes other users think that the group was established for backwards
| children.
| So please be kind enough not abuse yourself and others here with your
| righteous crap and patently juvenile attitude. Kids like you tend to make
| people lose faith in family values and question just how equitable it
| really is to give full rights to nitwits.
| --
| Neredbojias
| Infinity has its limits.


Be it as that may be, rules and traditions as your used to, does not
excuse anyone making threats, intimidations or putting people in a bad
light over the Internet. I've seen all three today. If you want to
create a mini-governance, that is fine - but you cross the line when
you can't control your speech. Feel free to say whatever you want, but
expect to suffer the consequences (as the other person will sometime
next week) if you cause people distress. If you are desensitized to
what that means, then perhaps losing your domain, access to Usenet,
etc. or finally getting arrested if you don't stop may clear you right
up. Hopefully you realize that before. Being cool on the network
isn't so hard is it? At the end of the day, that is always the best


open as many as you like!

btw...i told you you couldn't trace shit! i'm not related to network
solutions in any way, shape, or but you go right ahead and annoy
them too.

and, you are not only "asking for it"'re almost DEMANDING it,
fucktard! this is not a game to play. here's how real life say
stupid shit, you're called on stupid shit backed up by fact and enumerated,
resounding in the posts of others. that's the only thing stacking up
here...the complete exposition of your ineptitude and our exhausted attempts
to quiet your efforts to prove it further. if anything, we're looking out
for you.

in case you missed it, here it is again...RTFM and in the mean time, STFU
and grow up! you are only succeeding is having your posts ignored.

final goes, halfwit. look up the meaning of:


(in short, that means i'll have nothing more to do with your brand of

you are hereby and forevermore ignored...and shit, i didn't even need a law
in place to handle this myself! imagine that!!!


| Ok, I warned you. As a consequence I will open a ticket in the coming
| days with, and you can explain how the person who
| put the request in "was asking for it". Hopefully you will play nice
| in the future and not stack these up.....
| robert wrote:
| > **** off...further investigation will show how you are the annoying
| > AND you're the one coming back for more...btw, bush does NOT own the
| > internet...fucking moron.
| >
| >
| > | > |
| > |
| > |
| > | I don't know who you are. I will open a ticket with your domain
| > | registrar for abuse, if you don't stop annoying me and others. Last
| > | warning.
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | robert wrote:
| > | > you FUCKING TROLL !!!
| > | >
| > | > this is NOT a is a NEWS GROUP.
| > | >
| > | > if YOU don't know the answer, RTFM!!! i suspect you know your
| > has
| > | > been warn out sense in you EVER coming back.
| > | >
| > | > now FOAD.
| > | >
| > | > | > | > | Again, if you don't know the answer, or want to -subordinate-
| > | > | please don't use the network. It's not helpful and only increases
| > | > | negative conditions across this part of the network. You can
| > | > | playing word volleyball now, but it isn't helpful and doesn't
| > represent
| > | > | you as a good person, even if you really are. Dave
| > | > |
| > |


| Be it as that may be, rules and traditions as your used to, does not
| excuse anyone making threats, intimidations or putting people in a bad
| light over the Internet. I've seen all three today. If you want to
| create a mini-governance, that is fine - but you cross the line when
| you can't control your speech.

wtf? whatever...hey, i'm in full control of what i say. and, no one has made
threats or tried to intimidate you. you should be arrested for putting
yourself in a bad light by acting the part of the dumbass...we're just
putting that recognition into words. should we begin calling a rose by some
other name...whilst giving the wink that says "you know what i mean"?

| Feel free to say whatever you want, but
| expect to suffer the consequences (as the other person will sometime
| next week) if you cause people distress.

i do feel free to say what i's called freedom of speech. and, you
didn't even report my so-called abuse to the correct
solutions ain't it, cupcake. if you're distressed, why do you keep inviting
more opportunity? quit posting this dribble, change your name again, and
post new threads as if you've never heard of (e-mail address removed) or
(e-mail address removed). we are not stalking you...quite the opposite is true.

| If you are desensitized to
| what that means, then perhaps losing your domain, access to Usenet,
| etc. or finally getting arrested if you don't stop may clear you right
| up. Hopefully you realize that before. Being cool on the network
| isn't so hard is it? At the end of the day, that is always the best
| policy.

and you certainly are "cool" now aren't you! you're best policy should be to
grow up! but we can all see that is not your strong suit.

get a fucking life!


Wrong. Saying I am not welcome here, to get out and die - is slightly
worse than a spirited debate like you and I are having here.

The other email is me, I wasn't trying to hide. I own both gmail
accounts and was signed into the other one when responding. Oops.


i haven't quite plonked you yet...after this, i will.

there is no debate to be had. you're a dumbass. it is quite clear. what's
worse is your childish behavior. are you suprised at my profanity? i could
speak more eloquently but fear you wouldn't understand the structure or some
of the bigger words...and we all know your reluctance to research.

were there something to actually debate, it would most certainly not be
spirited. your side would go something like "is
not...". that hardly fits into the spirited category.

as for "trying to hide"...who said you were? are you taking preemptive
measures in case we decide to "go there"? your "oops" would have been more
timely had it been the one-and-only response to oli's answer to your op. i
bet you simply have great occasion to banner that motto...i'm sure we'll see
it again before long.

how did you come up with network solutions, btw? surely you are intuitive
enough to know that (e-mail address removed) is the same as (e-mail address removed) and (e-mail address removed) ...
guess not. lol. here's a hint...look at the actual headers of the
message...then, if you can figure a couple of things out (like what tld
posted this message here on my behalf), explain to the isp's admin why
someone would call you a dickhead. when they quit laughing though, you'll
need to find their isp so you can complain about how you felt belittled by
them too. and then what that isp's admin quits laughing... are


| Wrong. Saying I am not welcome here, to get out and die - is slightly
| worse than a spirited debate like you and I are having here.
| The other email is me, I wasn't trying to hide. I own both gmail
| accounts and was signed into the other one when responding. Oops.
| robert wrote:
| > | > | Be it as that may be, rules and traditions as your used to, does not
| > | excuse anyone making threats, intimidations or putting people in a bad
| > | light over the Internet. I've seen all three today. If you want to
| > | create a mini-governance, that is fine - but you cross the line when
| > | you can't control your speech.
| >
| > wtf? whatever...hey, i'm in full control of what i say. and, no one has
| > threats or tried to intimidate you. you should be arrested for putting
| > yourself in a bad light by acting the part of the dumbass...we're just
| > putting that recognition into words. should we begin calling a rose by
| > other name...whilst giving the wink that says "you know what i mean"?
| >
| > | Feel free to say whatever you want, but
| > | expect to suffer the consequences (as the other person will sometime
| > | next week) if you cause people distress.
| >
| > i do feel free to say what i's called freedom of speech. and,
| > didn't even report my so-called abuse to the correct
| > solutions ain't it, cupcake. if you're distressed, why do you keep
| > more opportunity? quit posting this dribble, change your name again, and
| > post new threads as if you've never heard of (e-mail address removed) or
| > (e-mail address removed). we are not stalking you...quite the opposite is
| >
| >
| > | If you are desensitized to
| > | what that means, then perhaps losing your domain, access to Usenet,
| > | etc. or finally getting arrested if you don't stop may clear you
| > | up. Hopefully you realize that before. Being cool on the network
| > | isn't so hard is it? At the end of the day, that is always the best
| > | policy.
| >
| > and you certainly are "cool" now aren't you! you're best policy should
be to
| > grow up! but we can all see that is not your strong suit.
| >
| > get a fucking life!


Nice to meet you too, Robert. Dave

i haven't quite plonked you yet...after this, i will.

there is no debate to be had. you're a dumbass. it is quite clear. what's
worse is your childish behavior. are you suprised at my profanity? i could
speak more eloquently but fear you wouldn't understand the structure or some
of the bigger words...and we all know your reluctance to research.

were there something to actually debate, it would most certainly not be
spirited. your side would go something like "is
not...". that hardly fits into the spirited category.

as for "trying to hide"...who said you were? are you taking preemptive
measures in case we decide to "go there"? your "oops" would have been more
timely had it been the one-and-only response to oli's answer to your op. i
bet you simply have great occasion to banner that motto...i'm sure we'll see
it again before long.

how did you come up with network solutions, btw? surely you are intuitive
enough to know that (e-mail address removed) is the same as (e-mail address removed) and (e-mail address removed) ...
guess not. lol. here's a hint...look at the actual headers of the
message...then, if you can figure a couple of things out (like what tld
posted this message here on my behalf), explain to the isp's admin why
someone would call you a dickhead. when they quit laughing though, you'll
need to find their isp so you can complain about how you felt belittled by
them too. and then what that isp's admin quits laughing... are


| Wrong. Saying I am not welcome here, to get out and die - is slightly
| worse than a spirited debate like you and I are having here.
| The other email is me, I wasn't trying to hide. I own both gmail
| accounts and was signed into the other one when responding. Oops.
| robert wrote:
| > | > | Be it as that may be, rules and traditions as your used to, does not
| > | excuse anyone making threats, intimidations or putting people in a bad
| > | light over the Internet. I've seen all three today. If you want to
| > | create a mini-governance, that is fine - but you cross the line when
| > | you can't control your speech.
| >
| > wtf? whatever...hey, i'm in full control of what i say. and, no one has
| > threats or tried to intimidate you. you should be arrested for putting
| > yourself in a bad light by acting the part of the dumbass...we're just
| > putting that recognition into words. should we begin calling a rose by
| > other name...whilst giving the wink that says "you know what i mean"?
| >
| > | Feel free to say whatever you want, but
| > | expect to suffer the consequences (as the other person will sometime
| > | next week) if you cause people distress.
| >
| > i do feel free to say what i's called freedom of speech. and,
| > didn't even report my so-called abuse to the correct
| > solutions ain't it, cupcake. if you're distressed, why do you keep
| > more opportunity? quit posting this dribble, change your name again, and
| > post new threads as if you've never heard of (e-mail address removed) or
| > (e-mail address removed). we are not stalking you...quite the opposite is
| >
| >
| > | If you are desensitized to
| > | what that means, then perhaps losing your domain, access to Usenet,
| > | etc. or finally getting arrested if you don't stop may clear you
| > | up. Hopefully you realize that before. Being cool on the network
| > | isn't so hard is it? At the end of the day, that is always the best
| > | policy.
| >
| > and you certainly are "cool" now aren't you! you're best policy should
be to
| > grow up! but we can all see that is not your strong suit.
| >
| > get a fucking life!

Beauregard T. Shagnasty

robert said:
surely you are intuitive enough to know that (e-mail address removed) is the same as
(e-mail address removed) and (e-mail address removed) ... guess not.

Not to butt in to your exciting repartee with dave/realview, but did you
know that is owned by some folks from Minnetonka, MN? Using their
domain (or the gh, or the kl ...) can only serve to have more spam sent
to their mail servers. Please use instead of a real domain.

realview is a troll, I've decided.


you're right...and it didn't even cross my mind until now when said troll
threatened to "ferenheit 451" me but couldn't get past go.

i'll change it. thanks for the thought.

btw...his posts are like car accidents it seems...but i won't be giving him
any more fuel. shit, this guy should jump on alt.atheism if he'd like a dose
of what how real threats, intimidation, and bad lighting read. he'd be
astonished to see that xtian are the ones who hurl them the most often...i
say that since he seems to fit right in with the fundamentalist wing of the
republican branch of least by his relishment of this new,
obscure law that is almost unprosecutable.

someone wise once said to never make a law that cannot be or is not intended
to be enforced. those days seem far behind us though.



| robert wrote:
| > surely you are intuitive enough to know that (e-mail address removed) is the same as
| > (e-mail address removed) and (e-mail address removed) ... guess not.
| Not to butt in to your exciting repartee with dave/realview, but did you
| know that is owned by some folks from Minnetonka, MN? Using their
| domain (or the gh, or the kl ...) can only serve to have more spam sent
| to their mail servers. Please use instead of a real domain.
| Thanks.
| realview is a troll, I've decided.
| --
| -bts
| -Warning: I brake for lawn deer


No, you seem like a cool guy and can see how you misunderstood my
original post that was "trolling" for information. Is that what you
mean? - or am I now sub-trolling in your view, after what was a
legitimate question. Acting completely random in quasi-public places
is a very bad idea considering it's not Usenet 1980, but commercialized
2006 Internet. You need to grow up - it is not I.


To further the education of mankind, (e-mail address removed) vouchsafed:

The policy of this NG is to submit your reply _below_ appropriately
quoted text. I've corrected your mistake in this instance.
Be it as that may be, rules and traditions as your used to, does not
excuse anyone making threats, intimidations or putting people in a bad
light over the Internet.

-A compound sentence used to facilitate a false argument. Tsk tsk. If I
were to kick your ass in effegy, I would have to use a vegetable,
wouldn't I?
I've seen all three today. If you want to
create a mini-governance,

-What's a "governance"? A skirt?
that is fine - but you cross the line when
you can't control your speech.

That's a nice platitude, but neither I nor anyone else I've read in this
thread has seemed unable to control his speech. -Except you, of course,
but you've obviously got some fundamental problem.
Feel free to say whatever you want,
but expect to suffer the consequences (as the other person will
sometime next week) if you cause people distress.

Oh, have I caused you distress? Gee whiz, I'm sorry! Take a couple of
valium, whack off, and maybe it'll go away.
If you are
desensitized to what that means, then perhaps losing your domain,
access to Usenet, etc. or finally getting arrested if you don't stop
may clear you right up.

More threats... You're the one, baby. Your personna is that of a Nazi
with a Republican ethic. You have to be a troll because no one could
possibly be that numb-brained in real life.
Hopefully you realize that before. Being
cool on the network isn't so hard is it? At the end of the day, that
is always the best policy.

Let me think, is being "cool on the network" one of my top priorities?
Uh, no. I'm afraid you struck out again, Dave. Btw, is "Dave" your real
name or is it something like "Adolph H. Bush"?

Wog George

frederick said:
Could you please ensure that you provide some context when replying to
someone else's post.

Thank you.
He prompted you to post a reply. In his mind, he will claim victory over
you and think that he owns you. I could never figure out the logic behind
"If I post like a cretin and someone points out that I'm a cretin, I have
exerted my control over them".

I guess the change of identity since he started the thread is to circumvent
measures that people may have taken to eliminate him from view. Then he
froths at the mouth and threatens to report people. You gotta admire the
tenacity, if not the intellect.

Wog George

Ok, I warned you. As a consequence I will open a ticket in the coming
days with, and you can explain how the person who
put the request in "was asking for it". Hopefully you will play nice
in the future and not stack these up.....
I happen to know that those guys at networksolutions enjoy a good laugh.

Wog George

Be it as that may be, rules and traditions as your used to, does not
excuse anyone making threats, intimidations or putting people in a bad
light over the Internet. I've seen all three today.

From where I sit, you've BEEN all three. You've been all three in one
thread under two different names. I guess that's your 6 against our 3, so
that makes you twice as bad. We win!! You lose!!! Next...

Wog George

No, you seem like a cool guy and can see how you misunderstood my
original post that was "trolling" for information. Is that what you
mean? - or am I now sub-trolling in your view, after what was a
legitimate question. Acting completely random in quasi-public places
is a very bad idea considering it's not Usenet 1980, but commercialized
2006 Internet. You need to grow up - it is not I.
Fact: you posted a MySQL question, but neglected to post it into a MySQL

Fact: you posted a question on a technical issue regarding data types, viz
their size, when the answer is in the manual under data types

Fact: you were told to consult the manual, but also given a hyperlink to
the answer you were seeking

Fact: you became abusive at suggestions that you should have found the
information yourself and suggested that the answer was inaccurate

Fact: you became threatening by posting "go to jail" hyperlinks when it was
pointed out that you'd been given the exact answer you were looking for

Fact: you became threatening by posting "I will report you" replies when
your mental defect manifested itself to other posters

Fact: you hastily changed your screen name when it became apparent that
your intended audience may be dwindling

You are either:

A. the dumbest person ever allowed to use a keyboard, or

B. a troll.

The choice is yours, but neither answer will win you any popularity


Jonathan N. Little said:
Hey dorame, this guy thinks I'm harassing him!

A couple of things about this Jonathan: he is a silly silly billy
to think that you would harass anyone and if he continues to say
these things I will have to deal with him in a most severe manner.

The second thing is ... well... er... just a small thing really I
suppose... hate to mention it... and i don't want to add to the
NAME! But I do understand that a little "y" in the scheme of
things is not that important.

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