Ben Bacarisse
BruceS said:This is getting a bit OT (though not as much as the personal attacks),
but I'd like to point out that even some of us with plenty of pride and
self respect avoid using our full real names on Usenet. Call it
cowardice if you like, but for me it's to avoid having some loon track me
down in real life. I would say "1 2"s online behavior is far more
telling than his nym. As for Mr. Kuyper, I doubt he needs any defense
from such attacks, tempting as it is.
Yes, good point. I can see that I could easily be misunderstood. There
are lots of reasons to avoid using one's real name -- and it need not be
cowardice at all. I'm just claiming that, at a minimum, some pride and
self-respect are needed to use one's real name. It was not at all clear
that I meant a necessary rather than a sufficient condition. 1 2 could
come back and explain that his or her recent activities as a political
dissident in Burma mean that using a pseudonym is critical.
(I don't want the joking tone to suggest any trivialisation. I know
people who'd used pseudonyms because of all sorts of serious real-life
threats. Even having an overly restrictive employer would be
sufficient and that's probably quite a common reason.)