You have made unfounded performance assertions so far.
I have code with results and I've posted said code. How is that
As it is, I've admitted multiple times that my test is only legitimate
on the implementation that I ran it. You've admitted that performance
is strictly implementation-dependent. So the only issue should be that
my code is wrong somehow. Please, give me details so that I can learn
from my mistakes.
The trick is, of course, that you define std::stringstream outside the loop.
Seeing as how I'm comparing the conversion with the conversion and not
the conversion with construction and destruction of an object as well
as the conversion, defining the object in my loop would be stacking the
deck by forcing more operations per iteration into the stringstream
loop. That's not an objective test, and if you think it is then that
explains why you're busting my balls about making "unfounded
performance assertions".