those who know me have no need of my name
[fu-t set]
i've set follow-up's to be mailed. adjust that if you feel there's a more
appropriate venue, i.e., one that actually covers `*nix'. be warned
comp.unix.programmer is not the only possibility. at any rate it's
off-topic for clc hence the fu-t.
in comp.lang.c i read:
since this is not the appropriate venue i'll refrain from making
corrections -- which might not be warranted, after all i've no idea what
actual platforms are under discussion. it seems to be generally assumed
that there is `one' master *nix which everything follows -- which is not
what exists in reality.
i've set follow-up's to be mailed. adjust that if you feel there's a more
appropriate venue, i.e., one that actually covers `*nix'. be warned
comp.unix.programmer is not the only possibility. at any rate it's
off-topic for clc hence the fu-t.
in comp.lang.c i read:
[C source files as executables on *nix]
No one said that such a shell cannot be imagined, merely that /bin/sh,
the *only* shell that doesn't need the #! "magic number" in the executable
file is NOT such a shell. And to get the executable file interpreted by
any other program, you need the #! "magic number", but a valid C source
file cannot start with this character pair.
since this is not the appropriate venue i'll refrain from making
corrections -- which might not be warranted, after all i've no idea what
actual platforms are under discussion. it seems to be generally assumed
that there is `one' master *nix which everything follows -- which is not
what exists in reality.