Paul said:
James - can you make this additional code available?
Sure, with the typical disclaimer that goes with
skunkworks ruby-coding-on-the-sly-deep-inside-a-java-house code.
The code at the end of this post works for most cases. It does not, for
example, trap or fix characters in an incorrect encoding, and skips
processing instructions (and probably CDATA sections, now that I think
of it). These omissions haven't been an issue for me, but YMMV and all
that. It builds useful XML (albeit with far more attributes than one
might ever need). Use at will, no warranties expressed or implied, not
suitable for running nuclear power plants or medical equipment, mumble
mumble mumble.
Also, when you spawn multiple browsers, did you investigate which
process they are in. When I have tried this they all live in the same
process, and therefore share cookies, so cant be used for testing site
that use cookies.
I paid no mind to separate processes. Cookies were shared, I'm sure,
though I suspect this may be due to how the cookies were set by they
server; I believe the cookies would be shared even if I started
independent browser sessions by hand.
# ============================================================
# Code to walk an HTML node tree made available through the
# clIEController class. It requires that the owner class have an
# attribute named @iec that points to an instance of the IEController
# class, like this:
# @iec = true )
# Once you've navigated to a URL, you get the XML using:
# xml = recursive_dump()
# You can pass the xml to an REXML document to run XPath against it.
def recursive_dump( el=nil, indent=0 )
el ||= @iec.htmlNode
name = el.nodeName.downcase
space = " " * indent
s = "#{space}<#{name}"
if el.attributes
for at in el.attributes
s << " #{}='#{escape(at.value)}'" if attribute_valid?(at)
s << ">\n"
for node in el.childNodes
if node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length > 0
s << recursive_dump( node, indent+1 )
elsif node.nodeName.downcase == "#text"
s << escape( )
elsif node.nodeName.downcase == "#comment"
s << "<!-- " + + " -->\n"
name2 = node.nodeName.downcase
space2 = " " * (indent + 1)
s << "#{space2}<#{name2}"
if node.attributes
for at in node.attributes
s << " #{}='#{escape( at.value )}'" if attribute_valid?( at )
s << ">\n"
s << "#{space2}</#{name2}>\n"
s << el.nodeValue if el.nodeValue
s << "#{space}</#{name}>\n"
def attribute_valid?( at )
return false if at.value.to_s == "null"
return false if at.value.to_s.strip.size < 1
return false if =~ /xml:/i
def escape( str )
s = str.gsub( /&/, "&")
s.gsub!( /</, "<")
s.gsub!( />/, ">")
s.gsub!( /\'/, "'")
s.gsub( /\"/, """)