il Mon, 7 Jun 2004 01:53:41 +0900, James Britt
This is an important point. Earlier in this thread there was a comment
along the lines of, "If Ruby was built for duck typing, why weren't the
standard libs better designed to manage the quirky cases?" It struck me
as an odd, and misguided, question, because duck typing is more of an
epiphenomenon. It's not a target of the language design, it's just one
of the things you get as a result.
I wonder if that was my message.
Please let me explain my opinion[1].
Duck Type happens.
I completely agree. But what I see is that the basic building blocks
of it (let's call it basic building quacks, BBQ sounds fine
are: some interfaces are common, we can rely on them.
That is true for, say, #read() , for #each(), for #[Object]=o and so
I suggested having a mix-in for , say, Input-like objects.
This is useful, imo, for two reasons:
it let's you build Input-like objects programmatically
it let's you strongly specify they're interface[2].
Why there are *so much* enumerables out there and *so few*
IO objects ? Because a mix-in let's you easily create an enumerable
class, a class that is easy to use (working with a given interface)
and affordable (we can expect that #each will work as expected, and to
have #find_all and so on)
OTOH, we can't expect from an object that has #[]= to behave like an
hash, neither via #[]= neither via #keys or something else.
Having more mix-in is not saying 'ruby should have been designed for
It is just: now we have lots of objects that may take advantage of ,
say, a Map mix-in (PStore, dbm, rbtree and so on), could we refactor
the stdlib to allow them to use one single interface avoiding little
problems like a missing method or a wrong number of parameters?
Just as a side note, this solves the problem of interface checking.
It solves the problem where it's more needed instead of a general
solution[3]: the place where you want to check an interface you're
probably using a common anonymous interface anyway, and in the other
places you could, if you want, use the "kludgy trick" of adding a
useless tag-module.
If you're thinking that in your own library you make extensive use of
a given interface without declaring it (say, PDF::Writer with
#hyphenate() ) you could:
declare it (include Hyphenable)
ignore the problem, when needed someone could add the tag anyway
just my 2 cent, and I need some cappheine.
yes, like many other people I want to use matz to implement my
language. It is our right as user to do so, and it is his right as
the project leader to just forget us
When I'll write my own
strongly as in 'easy to check'. Lies are ok, I don't think that any of
the proponents of any kind of type checking in ruby wants full
checking, *just something* is ok.
and everybody will stand up 'we wnt general solutions!". Not all we
do. A simple solution for the most part of a problem may be better
than a convoluted solution for everything.