Come on, get real. How often have you, the software designer, given
users what they *really* want, and ignored what they claimed to want,
because your experience told you that it was merely what they were
used to?
Without mentioning my own designs in particular, I suspect that this
happens less often than the reverse, where a software designer builds
something that seems the best way to him, but the customers hate it.
I'm not that much of an egomaniac. I will suggest "improvements", and
even implement them and ask customers to try them for a while, but I
won't be surprised if their idea of how to do their job is better than
In any case, this isn't the same situation. I have read much code,
including a good many conditionals written backward
. I've seen
both ways, and I prefer mine. YMMV.
Almost certainly. Though I refuse to specify what about.
Well, as long as it's not about the chocolate.