If you append to the head element(or any other element) and then
instantly remove that script then it is eligible for garbage collection
and thus makes it a bad idea.
JavaScript is injected inside browser parser (engine), DOM is another
thing ... please show me only one example where a removed script
causes what You're talking about.
Especially if that script block has a
function in it that you want to use later. It may still be there and it
may not. That is why I started using the div element approach.
This approach is obtrusive for every other script and for DOM too.
Another problem with the code is in the evalScript function where it
uses .text to set the text property of a script element. In a Windows
based environment, that is almost foolproof.
what's foolproof? text, using a script element, works perfectly with
IE5, IE 5.5, IE 6 and IE7
Maybe You're thinking about createElement("style") and text IE
Run it in a Mac browser and
your success ratio (across browsers) will drop to around 50% or so as
there are at least 7 (probably more) that don't support setting the
.text property on a script element and 6 (that I know of) that do
support setting it. I say 50% simply because I am pretty sure the
statistics there are skewed as I don't have a mac to investigate with.
I have not a Mac too, just Safari for windows but I've a friend with
Safari 2 and Mac, I'll ask him if my proposal will cause some problem.
Until this, please tell me exactly what browser for what OSX causes
problems, specifing platform and browser version, thank You.
The only browser, that I know of, that doesn't support createElement on
a SCRIPT element is IE and that is what has led to a lot of this coding
is an effort to cope with IE not implementing createElement on a script
element. If it did, you would code it like this:
var newScript = document.createElement('script');
newScript.type = "text/javascript";
newScriptText = "alert('createTextNode worked')";
var s = document.createTextNode(newScriptText);
It's a simple proposal enanchment, however I tested my proposal with
every used IE (5,5.5,6,7) and it seems to work perfectly. Maybe You're
talking about Mac IE 5.X .... this death browser?
And then you appendChild newScript to a container (whether it be HEAD,
BODY or another container element). Then you merely have to figure out
how to cope with IE. ....
I am not sure it is as "strongly compatible" as you suggest
the failure of setting the .text property in many mac browsers.
please, just test them ... I usually develop for these browsers:
IE6, IE7, FF1.5, FF2, FF3, Safari2, Safari3, Opera8, Opera9
in this case this solution works with IE5 and 5.5 too ... so, these
are 99.9% of used browsers.
Do You write code for IE4 too? In this case, good luck for your
As for your second blog entry, I disagree with these two statements:
I can always say "eval is evil" in that regards because there *IS* an
alternative/different approach to it and eval introduces problems that
dynamic script insertion doesn't introduce. Predominantly it is a scope
So do You prefere low speed and error prone code (pure JS) parsing
instead of core evaluation after a stable RegExp?
So don't You think that a script tag inside a layout is just a sort of
I'm a bit confused about your position when You talk about
*JavaScript* ...
Second, I don't believe that code evaluation is "always" a bad practice.
I said it's always a BAD practice, in rare case, it's a must.
I suppose the only one obsessed by evaluation are people who don't
think about language nature itsself, *SCRIPTING* ... so use eval if
it's strongly necessary or spend much time to find slower alternatives
(so abort D. Crockford toJSONString method and future FF
implementation too, isn't right?)
That said, the major difference in most of my code and research and what
you posted is that I am looking and working on a basic framework
approach to answer a very generic question and your post is in regards
to a very specific question.
Generic question:
"I retrieved a document using AJAX, insert it in the page and my scripts
don't get executed. How do I cause those script blocks to get executed?"
Answer is on my blog, evalScript does it simply and quickly, 5 lines
of JS code, aren't enough?
And with that question, the answer has to encompass script text, script
source, scope issues, document.write issues, along with some other issues.
Is your research based on document.write method? ... how many days did
You spend to perform this research?
I think that's not so difficult to read a solution and use them, You
spoke about IE problems while IE is perfectly compatible and You
talked about document.write that's never a good practice on DOM
I wonder, at this point, if You like jQuery solution that's totally
wrong, asyncronous with safari and not useful to solve the problem
with a call and window as first argument, while You (seems to) hate my
solution that's compatible with safari too and works pretty right with
100% of (mine) tested browsers.
Andrea Giammarchi