Bill David
If you don't want it to. Â I've used garbage collection with C++,
and it works quite well. Â For almost all applications, it's a
definite win in terms of development times and robustness, and
for a lot of applications, it's also a win in terms of
performance, and for others, it's a win in terms of perceived
performance, even if total performance isn't as good.
James Kanze (GABI Software) Â Â Â Â Â Â email:[email protected]
Conseils en informatique orientée objet/
          Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
9 place Sémard, 78210 St.-Cyr-l'École, France, +33 (0)1 30 23 00 34
Thank all of you for your suggestion.
to the following important scenario I have mentioned:
To the original solution based on stl::map, both getData (will call
map::find) and copyData (will iterate the whole map) will face some
errors if we don't lock between all methods that access (read/update)
the map.
To above problem, it seems garbage collection based solution is the
only one that can solve it with more memory consuming. A getData/
copyData request that has started before the update may still use the
original map pointer and content, while requests after update will use
the new one.
To RCU, I am afraid it's not fit for this scenario, although it can be
lock-free sometimes. I have some RCU implementation experience, we add
a timestamp with data, we read data out and try to update it. But
before we really update data to DB, we will check the current
timestamp again. If it's modified, the update request will fail.
Otherwise, we will update data with new timestamp. But how could we
apply it in above scenario, I have no idea.
To RWL, if it can permit concurrent read without problem we may face
in the scenario I have mentioned above, it will also be a great
enhancement to performance. But I am not sure about this solution. I
will think about it in the following hours, and come back again,