You probably can't even create
multiple threads running ruby safely (as opposed to creating
ruby threads inside one native thread of execution as is done in the
I'd be happy to provide further details if anyone's interested. I'm
just getting tired of the FUD and hastily-posted conjecture about
what constitutes appropriate technology for building web
Yes, I am interested. There is a widely-held perception based on
information from well-respected Rubyists and Rails people that
mod_ruby has problems related to managing re-entrant code.
mod_ruby, at its core, is two things: a Ruby interpreter embedded into
Apache that can be called into during the various stages of a request,
and a collection of classes that express the Apache API in Ruby. The
interpreter that is embedded is neither more nor less re-entrant than
that run from the command line, which is to say that it isn't for any
interpreter up to and including 1.8.6.
I run mod_ruby apps under the Apache "pre-fork" MPM, so perhaps there
are issues with the interpreter's re-entrancy when running under the
"worker" or "event" MPMs -- but then again the person I was replying
to didn't mention MPMs at all, he just stated that mod_ruby was to be
avoided altogether.
Does the common complaint about mod_ruby really boil down to Ruby's
lack of re-entrancy? Or maybe this is just a re-phrasing of the
"shared hosting problem"? I mentioned in the previous post that
mod_ruby is probably not suitable for running untrusted code or in
shared environments without additional partitioning, but I still don't
think that describes the majority of situations, and it certainly
doesn't warrant dismissal of the whole package outright.
If any of the aforementioned "well-respected Rubyists and Rails
people" have additional light to shed on this, I'd love to know where
this "widely-held perception" is coming from. I've been using mod_ruby
since late 2002, and I haven't happened upon anything that would
indicate that it deserves the reputation it seems to have gained.
This might translate to: "Most users don't have the background to
set mutexes so they will eventually stomp on data that's not thread-
save" but it might also translate to: "This ain't mod_php, guys. You
can do bad things and never know until it's too late."
I'm still not convinced that there's lots of threaded web applications
out there that require mutexes and the like, but sure: with great
power comes great responsibility. You have to program with more
discipline when you're writing applications that run for long periods
of time and share an ObjectSpace with other code, but that's what
Module and Kernel#load('myfile', true) are for (among other things of
course). Programmers who splat their code all over the Ruby
ObjectSpace, can't resist the urge to reopen every core class under
the sun to inject their own pseudo-clever trinket methods, and can't
be bothered to namespace their class libraries should probably stick
to environments where their crap runs in a safe little box that can be
kill -9ed when it inevitably hangs or gets too bloated.
So, yes, a clarification would be extremely useful.
I actually meant if anyone wants more specific details about how to
write applications under mod_ruby, then I'd be happy to furnish them,
but I realize I didn't state that quite clearly enough. I hope this
sufficed for a clarification anyway.