Yochen Gutmann
I was just wondering: how do I react on a method-invocation with a
nil-object instead of eg. String? How do I test it? And how can I assure
that it is the right kind of object?
class AClass
def a_method aString
puts aString+aString
puts aString.reverse
an_object = AClass.new
an_object.a_method "hello" # works
an_object.a_method 3#-> undefined method
an_object.a_method nil #-> undefined method
Does Duck-Typing mean "ah, the programmer always knows, which kind of
objects this method expects. Thus never an error will occur."? This
seems very optimistic to me if not naiv. You cant just trust that the
any programmer who uses your class knows what exactly is happening in
your method and which type of object is required.
Thankful for any hint.
I was just wondering: how do I react on a method-invocation with a
nil-object instead of eg. String? How do I test it? And how can I assure
that it is the right kind of object?
class AClass
def a_method aString
puts aString+aString
puts aString.reverse
an_object = AClass.new
an_object.a_method "hello" # works
an_object.a_method 3#-> undefined method
an_object.a_method nil #-> undefined method
Does Duck-Typing mean "ah, the programmer always knows, which kind of
objects this method expects. Thus never an error will occur."? This
seems very optimistic to me if not naiv. You cant just trust that the
any programmer who uses your class knows what exactly is happening in
your method and which type of object is required.
Thankful for any hint.