Daniel Schierbeck
Eric said:#to_str is not for type conversion. It exists for classes that duck
type completely to String and is called when a C string is needed by a
method in String to improve performance. In other words, #to_str should
only be implemented on objects that are already "Strings".
Exactly my point. I think we're misunderstanding each other here; if you
have an object that is a representation of a string, say
# Bad example, but hey...
class Name
attr_accessor :first, :last
def initialize(first, last)
@first, @last = first, last
Then it's okay for it to have #to_str, e.g.
def to_str
"#{first} #{second}"
My own logic is this: if an object is a natural string, but with *more*
information, then it can have #to_str. Otherwise, stick to #to_s.
A much better example is the one brought up on the list not long ago:
class RomanNumeral
def initialize(num)
@num = num.to_int
# this really is an integer
def to_int
# but there's not much sense in manipulating
# it as a string
def to_s
If it were for a real application, I'd just implement an
Integer#to_roman method, but I still think this is a good example.
#to_s is for type conversion. Trust your users to provide a meaningful
#to_s. Don't force them to inappropriately implement #to_str.
I agree wholeheartedly. I'm just bad at writing.