Jerry said:
But don't count MS Access in there. Use a real database. MySQL
qualifies. And it has to be configured properly.
Not the real communism ? [*] I partly agree for MS Access [**], but I
have reasons to believe that my MySQL databases are set up properly.
This is not a thing I do myself, but sysadmins in one of the giant
datacenters who stick to one config for the entire park.
BTW - benchmarks tell exactly one thing - how a database runs UNDER
THOSE CONDITIONS. Change the conditions and benchmarks aren't valid any
With that said, under live conditions, I've seen virtually no slowdown
when accessing blob data in a database. And in some cases it actually
runs faster.
I think the question is how BLOBs are handled. My situation is a
browser-based application that consists of many read actions (public
+intranet) and few update/delete actions (admin). Now suppose:
(1) Read actions without BLOB:
- Application does not load any BLOB data from database.
- Application uses a var holding the system-path (usr/my/path/to/
pics/), adds the ID to it, adds .jpg to it, tests if file exists (-e).
- If yes, use URL-path in stead of system-path and output inside an
<IMG> to screen.
- No binary data has to be handled; the major memory use here (if any)
is the -e check for file existance. But even this could be skipped
with a workaround.
(2) Read actions with BLOB:
- Load BLOB from column (already a memory-intensive task of its own).
- Store in some folder (id.).
- Output with <img>.
(3) Update & delete actions without BLOB:
- Update/delete instructions stay out of DB, affects file system only.
(4) Update & delete actions with BLOB:
- Update/delete instructions stay out of file system, affects DB only
It is my experience that (1) has huge memory benefits compared to
The difference between (3) and (4) is not so clear; especially because
MySQL probably optimizes this processus. I think in practice you would
see that (3) is faster for environment A, and (4) for environment B;
but never with real considerable differences.
And (1) and (2) are much more important since they count for 99.x% of
the queries in my case.
[*] -"Communism is great." -"But look how things went in the USSR."
-"That was not the real communism."
[**] Many tendencies in MS Access are a good thermometer for general
database issues; MS Access is just the first that fails