Actually, as Andy pointed out, you are just flat-out wrong
Actually, now both you and Andy are wrong...
But to avoid this statement coming across as a fan of the flame (it's
not intended, I just wanted to continue the 'Actually...' and to show
that I'm sincere notice I didn't trump your 'flat-out').
Now let me add that the reason for the less than correctness is
because you've both missed my point which is that the mutual
exclusivity (or not) of a signal cannot be divined by looking at the
logic that *reads* such a signal (in this case the 'if/elsif/else'
statement) but instead it comes from looking at the code that
*generates* the logic. In the example you started, the generating
code is not there, since the generating code would be whatever assigns
to the signal 'onehot'. Since the generating logic is missing you
really can't claim that my 'if/elsif/else/endif' generates sub-optimal
logic. However, since you and Andy certainly implied that by golly
signal 'onehot' is truly one hot and therefore mutually exclusive and
you would be willing to assert it to be so, then I can claim that if
your assertion is true then the 'if/elsif/else' IS optimal by
demonstrating an example (coming up later...).
Andy's contention is that assertions added on the reader side (i.e.
around the 'if/elsif/endif' could be used to improve synthesis. While
I don't disagree that there likely are such situations where this
could be true, my other point is that such a situation has not been
demonstrated in this thread and if it's so hard to generate a valid
example, maybe it's not as common as one might think.
here; synthesis most certainly cannot provide the desired
optimization because your code mandates a specific
behaviour for a "11" input that does not admit of the
I'm not quite sure what you mean by the "11" *input*; onehot is a
three bit vector. I'm pretty sure what you intended is the "11-"
input would need to produce a result of "11" and if it did the logic
would reduce exactly as you said. I agree, up to a point. The
problem is that "11-" is not a valid said so yourself and
were even willing to assert it to be so.
So, let's stop the jawboning, fun as it is, and get to real code with
real synthesis (1). At the end of this thread I've posted code that
consists of five separate examples of nearly identical code. Each
example is a formulation of your example, each has the 'if/elsif/else'
statement coded in the exact same form. What is different in the
examples is the logic that generates the input to the 'if/elsif/else'
because that is where the mutual exclusivity (or lack thereof) is
actually determined and is missing from your example as posted.
Example 1: Refer to block 'NADA_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE'. In this
example, the raw input is an input at the top level of the design
which is a constrained integer in the range from 0 to 2. The signal
'onehot' is generated by decoding the input. Since integers will be
synthesized as a collection of bits, it is not logically possible to
say that the input '3' reeeeally cannot occur. One could claim that
it shouldn't ever happen in a 'working' system and here is at least an
example where asserting that '3' should never happen and therefore you
don't care what the output is if you're wrong would be a valid claim
where you get more optimal logic. However as had been mentioned
before, it may be of dubious value from the perspective of a robust
design to say "I don't care what happens if what I thought to be
impossible, actually does happen". If you look at the synthesized
logic indeed you find that the 'if/elsif/else' does not implement what
one could consider to be the 'optimal' logic (2). Looks good so far
for team Andy and Jonathon. However, let me point out that since
input pins at the top level are not controlled, you can't really
guarantee what you asserted.
Example 2: Refer to block EXCLUSIVE_BY_TYPE where signal 'onehot'
fundamentally is generated by a signal that is an enumerated type.
Signals that are enumerated types *are* guaranteed to be mutually
exclusive by the LRM. Guess what happens now when a 'guaranteed by
design' mutually exclusive signal is fed into the 'if/elsif/else'
statement? Optimal logic is generated for the output. Score one for
team KJ...and disprove your 'flat-out wrong' comment.
Example 3: Integers should be mutually exclusive, so what happens if
you take Example 2 and create a constained counter instead of an
enumerate type? This is example 3, refer to block
'NADA_EXCLUSIVE_INTEGER'. Here again we find the sub-optimal logic.
Now maybe one should ask the synthesis vendor, how come they don't
treat integers as mutually exclusive? Ah well, investigate further
Example 4: Refer to block 'NADA_EXCLUSIVE_INTEGER_SUBTYPE'.
Trivially different from Example 3 in that all that is done is to
define a subtype of an integer and declare a signal of that subtype.
It shouldn't make a difference...and it doesn't, sub-optimal.
Not shown but left as an exercise to the reader who makes it this far
would be another example that combines example 2 and 4. Instead of
saying 'Count <= 0' or 'Count <= Count + 1', use the 'left, 'succ
attributes as was done in Example 2. Here you're trying to see if
using an integer as you would an enumerated type might somehow trick
the synthesis tool into treating the integer as really mutually
exclusive. Well, it didn't.
Example 5: OK, since integers aren't treated as mutually exclusive by
synthesis, maaaaaaaaybe we can defeat Example 2, by explicitly forcing
conversions to vectors and somehow wipe out that real guarantee of
mutual exclusivity on the generating logic that is the underpinning of
my point. After all, it is not really that uncommon to have to be
forced to convert to/from enumerated types/records and
std_logic_vector in order to get something from here to there in a
design (for example, maybe you need to store an enumerated type into
some memory, but you want to use your already written, debugged and
working memory core that works only with vectors...just a for
instance). So this conversion is a legitimate thing that would have
cause to be used in real designs. Refer to block
'EXCLUSIVE_BY_TYPE_ALSO' where I convert the type to a
std_ulogic_vector and use that instead of the one-hot signal. Well,
no change. Example 5 generates optimal logic just like Example 2. So
true guaranteed mutual exclusivity is not necessarily compromised just
by converting it to another form. There are ways to break it, but
simple to/from conversions are not the way...and simple conversions
are likely all you need in most cases.
So what can one conclude about how synthesis here? Again, refer to
note (1), these results are all from brand A synthesis
- Enumerated types really are mutually exclusive
- Input pins at the top are not (nor could they ever reeeeeeally be)
- Integers are not treated as being mutually exclusive
- Things that really are mutually exclusive will generate the optimal
logic without any extra help from the peanut gallery (i.e. those extra
assertions in the code)
- If you choose to encode your knowledge of mutual exclusivity into
your design, use an enumerated type.
So now what is the better path here that synthesis tools suppliers
should take?
- Interpret user entered assertions that might actually conflict with
the behavioral description in that same design?
- Treat things (like integers) that are mutually exclusive as such,
just like enumerated types?
I'm thinking that the second suggestion would get the bigger bang for
the buck across the board and require less work for the user of the
tool. Synthesis tools would take a bigger leap by tackling the second
problem, not the first (in my opinion).
Are you asking me to believe that a design can specify the
behaviour of its own INPUTS? I think not. That's why I want
assertions, to enforce locally the inputs' obligation to meet
some criteria.
As I said in the earlier post, since an assertion is a line-o-code, it
has a chance to be incorrect which means it is asserting something
that is not supported by the logic. What you're calling 'inputs' are
really just outputs from some other hunk of code in that same design
(with the exception of inputs at the top level of a design of
course). So, yes, since most inputs to a block are actually outputs
of some other block in the same design, you can assert something when
looking at the 'inputs' that is not supported by the logic description
generating the 'output'. 'input' and 'output' are just opposite ends
of the wire. Hopefully your testing will uncover that flaw...but
that's hope not guarantee.
I could have written my 3-to-2 recoder as
code <= input(2 downto 1);
thereby providing, in a very non-obvious form,
all my private knowledge of the inputs. But
I would have got indigestible code, and no policing
of the contractin simulation. No thanks.
But what I asked for was an example that demonstrates where comments
from the peanut gallery (the assertions) would result in an
improvement to the synthesized result. Your original posting was
incomplete because it left out the crucial piece that described the
generating logic. I've provided one marginal case (inputs at the top
level of a design), but seen no others in this thread...or elsewhere.
They may exist, I'd just like to see some, not too much to ask I don't
Not quite. You're taking a devil's-advocate position.
shouldn't happen - so there is no question of any conflict
between assertions and RTL code.
Sure there can be conflicts. You can't prove no conflicts by running
simulations either. To prove no conflicts exist you would have to
formally check the logic...different tool.
Yes, assertions *are* better (i.e. more likely to be faithful
to the specification) than design code because...
a) each assertion does not need to specify a complete set
of behaviour, but can focus its attention on a single
potential violation or rule, so it's far easier to
review an assertion for accuracy;
So it's incomplete and more likely to be accurate because of that
incompleteness (less to review). Dubious foundation there.
b) assertions typically can be written much more directly
from a specification than can design code (especially
if you can use temporal assertions).
If that statement is generally true, then much productivity
improvement could be had by using Prolog for the source code for
design (as an example of a language that asserts truths rather than
describes behavior). After all, if assertions can be written more
directly from a specification, why wouldn't one use them to design
rather than just check? That wouldn't be VHDL, but I'm not quite sure
if that really would be the case...Prolog is a different type of
beast, interesting beast...or maybe I'm just tired of learning new
And no, it's NOT "just another line-o-code". If I write bad
RTL then I will discover the error much later, thanks to
a testbench.
Maybe...not guaranteed though, depends on the quality of the
If I write a bad assertion then it will almost
certainly throw an error when it shouldn't, or will not
be covered when it should, both of which will set the
alarm bells ringing much earlier than typically happens
with errors in design code.
Again...maybe, not guaranteed said so yourself 'almost
I agree with you that assertions are generally easier to look at and
validate to the specification but that is primarily because they don't
have the burden of actually having to specify in some fashion the
complete behavior of a design as you yourslf mentioned. They
essentially get to cherry pick and check that which can readily be
Kevin Jennings
(1) Synthesis tool used is Quartus 9.0 Web Edition. Use the
Technology Map Viewer to see what actually gets implemented. Haven't
tried it with Synplify or ISE. Might be a good example test to see
how the big three size up.
(2) 'Optimal logic' here is, as Jonathon mentioned in an earlier post,
is that the resulting logic be that the upper two bits of 'onehot' go
directly to the output without any intervening logic. Any logic that
needs to be implemented make it 'sub-optimal' in this discussion...or
should it be considered a ramble?
---- Start of the code...enjoy
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity foo is port(
address: in natural range 0 to 2;
clock: in std_ulogic;
trigger: in std_ulogic_vector(2 to 5);
decode: out std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
decode2: out std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
decode3: out std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
decode4: out std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
decode5: out std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0));
end foo;
architecture rtl of foo is
-- Try to generate logic that some hope is mutually
-- exclusive...but isn't
signal onehot: std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
onehot <= (others => '0');
onehot(address) <= '1';
end process;
if TRUE then
if FALSE then -- Try using a case
case onehot is
when "100" => decode <= "10";
when "010" => decode <= "01";
when others => decode <= "00";
--when others => decode <= "00";
end case;
else -- Let's try using an if/elsif
if onehot(2) = '1' then
decode <= "10";
elsif onehot(1) = '1' then
decode <= "01";
else -- onehot(0) = '1' then
decode <= "00";
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Generate mutually exclusive signals via a data type
type t_mytype is (s0, s1, s2);
signal onehot_mytype: t_mytype;
signal onehot: std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
if rising_edge(clock) then
if (trigger(2) = '1') then
onehot_mytype <= S0;
if (onehot_mytype = t_mytype'right) then
onehot_mytype <= t_mytype'left;
onehot_mytype <= t_mytype'succ(onehot_mytype);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
onehot <= "100" when (onehot_mytype = S2) else "010" when
(onehot_mytype = S1) else "001";
if onehot(2) = '1' then
decode2 <= "10";
elsif onehot(1) = '1' then
decode2 <= "01";
else -- onehot(0) = '1' then
decode2 <= "00";
end if;
end process;
-- Try to generate mutually exclusive signals with integers
signal Count: natural range 0 to 2;
signal onehot: std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
if rising_edge(clock) then
if (trigger(3) = '1') then
Count <= 0;
if (Count = 2) then
Count <= 0;
Count <= Count + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
onehot <= "100" when (Count = 2) else "010" when (Count = 1) else
if onehot(2) = '1' then
decode3 <= "10";
elsif onehot(1) = '1' then
decode3 <= "01";
else -- onehot(0) = '1' then
decode3 <= "00";
end if;
end process;
-- Try to generate mutually exclusive signals with integer subtype
subtype t_COUNT is natural range 0 to 2;
signal Count: t_COUNT;
signal onehot: std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
if rising_edge(clock) then
if (trigger(4) = '1') then
Count <= 0;
if (Count = t_COUNT'right) then
Count <= t_COUNT'left;
Count <= t_COUNT'succ(Count);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
onehot <= "100" when (Count = 2) else "010" when (Count = 1) else
if onehot(2) = '1' then
decode4 <= "10";
elsif onehot(1) = '1' then
decode4 <= "01";
else -- onehot(0) = '1' then
decode4 <= "00";
end if;
end process;
-- Generate mutually exclusive signals via a data type
type t_mytype is (s0, s1, s2);
signal onehot_mytype: t_mytype;
signal sulv: std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
function to_sulv(l: t_mytype) return std_ulogic_vector is
return(std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(t_mytype'pos(l), 2)));
end function to_sulv;
if rising_edge(clock) then
if (trigger(5) = '1') then
onehot_mytype <= S0;
if (onehot_mytype = t_mytype'right) then
onehot_mytype <= t_mytype'left;
onehot_mytype <= t_mytype'succ(onehot_mytype);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
--XX onehot <= "100" when (onehot_mytype = S2) else "010" when
(onehot_mytype = S1) else "001";
sulv <= to_sulv(onehot_mytype);
if sulv = "10" then
decode5 <= "10";
elsif sulv = "01" then
decode5 <= "01";
else -- sulv = 0 then
decode5 <= "00";
end if;
end process;
end rtl;
---- End of the code...end of joy